Senators Snowe and Collins have joined 4 other "Centrist" senators to try and delay a vote on health care reform. The following link is to an article on Huffington Post by Ryan Grim.
Paul Krugmann, my favorite economist, writes the following in a New York Times op- ed piece.
"The six deadly hypocrites
Will the destructive center kill health care reform? It looks all too possible.
What’s especially galling is the hypocrisy of their claimed reason for delaying progress — concern about the fiscal burden. After all, in the past most of them have shown no concern at all for the nation’s long-term fiscal outlook.
Case in point: the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, which denied Medicare the right to bargain for lower drug prices, locked in overpayments to private insurance companies, and did nothing, nothing at all, to pay for its proposed outlays. How many of these six self-proclaimed defenders of solvency voted no on the crucial procedural vote? One. (Joe Lieberman, to my surprise.)
And let’s not forget that Ben Nelson, who appears to be the ringleader, has fought tooth and nail against competition from a public option — which would almost certainly save a significant amount of money, as well as providing much-needed competition.
If the Gang of Six really does kill reform, remember their names; they will bear the responsibility for vast, unnecessary suffering over the years to come."
As I have mentioned before both Collins and Snowe are covered by the very best health insurance plan which is paid for by us, the taxpayers. They will never have to worry about losing their health care. I am totally amazed and disgusted that our Maine Senators are joining in this effort when over 72% of the public want a public option and reform NOW!
The cost of health care is rising at a formidable rate and is ruining the lives of many Americans who have either lost their coverage, been denied coverage or have never had health insurance. There are stories after stories of people who have been forced into bankruptcy, lost care and have died because of a lack of insurance and the lack of money to independently pay for health care.
If anyone thinks our health care system is the best, just take a look at our infant mortality rates which are worse than 28 other countries.( The US obesity rates are the highest out of 28 other countries with 30.6% of Americans being obese. ( If our health care system was better these figures might be lower and therefore cost for health care would be lower.
Therefore, for those of you who get this post by email, send it on and let's make calls and send letters to our Senators and let them know we want health care reform NOW and we want a PUBLIC OPTION!