Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, 2009 is behind us and what a year it was.  It was a year marked by sone of the most hateful politics in a very long time.  It was a year that many folks lost much of their retirements. Employers laid off many from their jobs, states have trouble balancing their budgets and deep cuts in human services and education will certainly plague us for some time to come.   Even though there is no inflation (says the government) prices of food, energy, clothing and utilities went up.  This makes for hardships for families and seniors.  There are few pay increases, no social security increases but the fat cat bankers and Wall Street management are getting even bigger bonuses than before the crash and on our tax dollars!  Health Care Reform basically went no where.  Let's hope something good comes out of the bill that has now gone to conference.

What will 2010 bring?  I am not too optimistic as I don't see the politics changing either on the local or national level.  This morning on Morning Joe I heard  Mike Barnicle say something to the effect of the people are crying out to Congress hear our voices but Congress is not listening.  He is so right!  People are trying to tell elected officials what they want and need but the powers that be, both on the local and national level are not listening.  Instead they continue to listen to lobbyists, special interests and big corporations who are paying big bucks to get them to listen.  I don't see that changing in 2010.
Since this will be an election year we need to elect people who are not afraid to think outside the box!  I have subscribed to the Smart Growth Network,  According to their website they state their purpose as "helps create national, regional and local coalitions to support intelligent and sustainable growth."
I have also subscribed to Maine Can Do Better ( From their website,
  "Like people throughout Maine, the partners of Maine Can Do Better believe in working together for the common good. We know that Maine's prosperity depends on the strength of our public structure -- our laws, our schools and universities, our public health and safety agencies, our roads and bridges, and our natural resources. Maine's core is the machinery that propels our economy, and must be responsibly managed and maintained to ensure the health and vitality of Maine communities, Maine families, and Maine people, now and into the future."
Both of these organizations have a vision for making the state, the country and the world a better place.  I invite you to subscribe to these also and put pressure on candidates to think differently about how things can be accomplished.  We need to hold them accountable.  We can no longer sit back and let government do things to us but we need to make them do things that we want and need.  We need to be more responsible citizens in 2010 than we were in 2009 and before.
In spite of the somewhat pessimistic posting I do wish all of you a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Health Care Reform, Global Warming, Jobs, Wall Street, Banks, etc.

 President Obama,

It is time for you to stand up to Joe Lieberman and say Enough is Enough.  How did he get so much power?
Stand up for the American people.  As it stands now the insurance companies are being given a great Christmas present.  People will be mandated to buy insurance from private companies and those companies will still raise havoc with our health care.  Fining people for not buying health insurance isn't fair when they are struggling just to put food on the table.
The Democrats deserve to lose in the next election as they can't do anything even with a President and a majority in both houses.

My disgust is indescribable.
Above is my most recent communication to President Obama.  The Democrats are worthless!  They can't even pass a health care bill that will help millions of families.  Of course the Republicans will stand in the way of anything progressive.  They will also oppose any bill that improves the environment.
They scream about job creation but will oppose any bill that might help put people back to work.  They don't want any consumer protection laws put in place so that Wall Street and the banks have to act with a moral conscience.
All that being said about the Republicans, it absolutely blows my mind that with 60 votes (Oh I forgot!  Joe Lieberman is one of the sixty and he will also oppose everything and still be allowed to keep his chairmanship)
This whole political process needs to be changed so that elected officials follow the will of their constituents.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Health Care Reform and the Senate

I am wondering when the Senate will get busy and pass some legislation.  The House of Representatives has passed 100 bills and they are all waiting for Senate action.  It is time for the Senate to adopt new rules on how they process legislation and they need to abide by a simple majority.
I am hoping that all Republicans and Democrats will support the Republican amendment to the health care bill that requires all Senators and Representatives and their staffs as well as the President, Cabinet members and staffs to use the public option.  Why should they have anything better than the citizens of this country.  As they said if they are in the plan they will make sure it is well run.  What could be better for us? 
Of course there is a catch here.  When Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio attempted to co-sponsor the amendment he called the office of Senator Coburn and he was rebuffed  9 times.  Also Al Franken and Chris Dodd and Sherrod Brown went on the Senate floor and asked for unanimous consent to be added to the amendment and it was agreed to.  I suspect that this amendment is another blocking measure by the Republicans but I hope it passes and is included in the final legislation.  If it isn't we will all know that the Congress looks out for itself first and the hell with the people.
It absolutely blows my mind that they can ignore the wishes of the majority of the public who support a public option.  I thought they were sent there to represent us and not their quest for power and prestige.  They continue to bow to the lobbyists and forget the people who elected them.
Do you realize that the amount of money being spent daily on TV and Radio commercials, both for and against health care reform, could have helped fund reform for all of those folks who have nothing.  I don't know about you but the ads disgust me and I have stopped watching television during the day.  I listen to the weather report and then shut it off until I watch the evening news and even then I often turn that off.
If there is that much money floating around that continuous ads can be run why do we have so many homeless, hungry and poor?  We could easily feed them all and care for their health needs as well.  I laugh when these folks call themselves Christians.  They surely do not worship the same God that I do or follow Jesus, who cared for everyone.  Who are they trying to kid?

So again I invite you to join me and write and call Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe and President Obama and urge them to support the public option.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Letter to our Senators

Again I am writing to our Senators in the hopes that they will do the right thing and support meaningful health care reform that covers all people. In this country of riches and bounty it is disgusting that we cannot care for all of our people. To have over 40,000 people die just because they cannot get health care makes this government akin to murderers. It is time to bite the bullet and pass meaningful legislation not something that will satisfy the insurance industry.
Dear Senators, Snow and Collins,
I am urging you to support meaningful health care reform with a strong public option and no Stupak amendment. Every American deserves to have as good health care as you enjoy and the majority of Americans support the so-called public option. You have government run health care and so do I through Medicare. Let's give everyone the choice.
This Sunday Bill Nemitz had a wonderful and very moving though very depressing article on the poverty in Washington and Hancock counties. These are your constituents! They have to choose between food and medicine, whether or not to heat their homes so they surely don't have the money to pay for health care.
We can afford to fund two wars that were started with lies but we cannot afford to feed and care for our own people. Something is terribly wrong with this picture. So forget about the insurance companies who are playing politics with our health care for their own greed and profit and vote for the people this time.

Somehow I doubt that you will do the right thing. I hope you prove me wrong.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's going on in Windham Politics?????

I have rarely ever seen such a turn in local politics as I have observed in this current election in the Town of Windham. It is amazing that some folks are so eager for revenge and power that they take out ads that present false information and accuse good citizens falsely.
What's up with lighted signs all over town? Someone is spending a great deal of money just to get elected to a seat on the Town Council. Are all of these candidates willing to faithfully attend meetings and do their homework on all the issues. Being a member of the council is a huge responsibility and requires an investment of time not only for meetings but doing the research and studying before the meetings so that one is prepared for intelligent discussion and decision making. It also requires building meaningful partnerships with other council members so that the town is well served. This is not a "shoot from the hip" type of job.
It is very sad to see revenge, bitterness and anger introduced into local politics. I hope most of the folks here in Windham are as disgusted with the antics of some of the candidates as I am. If I was running for office I would be very careful who I associated with.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My WTF Moment!

As I read the news that the Securities Exchange Commission has appointed a 29 year old former Goldman Sachs employee to chief of its enforcement division, my temper boiled over. Now I have no problem with his age but it seems to me that the Treasury department and the SEC is increasingly becoming a place for Goldman Sachs employees.
When the Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner talks to his select friends on Wall Street more often than he does other banks and investment houses it just shows the control firms like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup have on Washington and on the Treasury Department itself.
What we really need is someone like Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren who oversees the TARP program. She is a voice for the middle class and the consumer. She is for Consumer Protection and is not afraid to speak out. Why can't the people in power recognize the need to have someone like Warren in a position of power who will represent the people. Instead we hire more and more of the employees of firms like Goldman Sachs who surely are tainted by that association and will not truly serve the people.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baucus, Squawkus

Can you believe the bill that came out of the Senate Finance Committee which is chaired by Senator Max Baucus. Our senator Olympia Snowe was part of the "gang of six" who supposedly negotiated the terms of the bill. Whatever were they thinking? This is just a gift to the health insurance industry. It does nothing to help the people of this country. Baucus is owned by the health care industry as they have given him over 3 million dollars.

Wendell Potter, who used to be the Vice President of Communications for Cigna, testified before the House Steering and Policy Committee this past Tuesday and made this statement. He warned that if Congress "fails to create a public insurance option to compete with private insurers, the bill it sends to the president might as well be called the Insurance Industry Profit Protection and Enhancement Act."

I hope that you will go to the following link to read more of Potter's testimony at:

I called both Senators Collins and Snowe's offices today and told them that it is time to stop pandering to the lobbyists and the health care industry and begin thinking about the people they represent.
There is story after story about people having their policies canceled after being diagnosed with a life threatening disease. Just recently the South Carolina Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision to award 10 million to a man who policy was canceled, when he was a teenager, after being diagnosed with HIV. It is reported that bonuses were paid to health insurance workers based on the number of policies they canceled. Now this is criminal and unethical.
I am sure that I will be writing more on this subject as I am so disgusted with our elected leaders in the Congress who think more about reelection and campaign funds than they do about the people they represent.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Is Going On In This Country????

It has been a while since I have posted to my blog. The reason being is that I have no idea how to respond to the lies, hatred and the lack of concern for the people of this nation. It seems as though every politician, Republican or Democrat, including our own Senators Collins and Snowe, is owned by lobbyists representing some company whether it be Health Insurance or businesses who oppose Consumer Protection or who oppose climate control.

Take the State of Maine where the Department of Education is suggesting furlough days for school systems to save money. How can they even suggest such a thing when our children are already in school fewer days than many states. As it is education has become so watered down that our children hardly get the basics. We need education in order to improve the economy and to develop future leaders. This suggestion is insane and if the legislature and the Governor go along with it I question their sanity and their commitment to the children of this state.

Then there is the racism that is bubbling up to the surface all over the country. What are people so afraid of? In this day and age it is absolutely abominable that such hatred exists and that it is promoted by so called journalists on FOX News and CNN. Those folks are inciting people to carry weapons and to spread hatred. They should be banned from the airways. Former President Jimmy Carter expressed this sentiment so well in his interview with Brian Williams.

The news media hypes up entertainers who don't know enough to keep their mouths shut, they give murderers more air time than they deserve, they give the right wing nuts more publicity than they deserve making it look like it is a bigger movement than it really is and then they forget about the millions of people who are fighting for health care reform, trying to find jobs and begging the Congress and the President to listen to them.

Is it any wonder that people are discouraged and feel they have no voice? It seems to me that when 72% of the people want choice in health care, the Congress better listen to them or they can kiss the next election goodbye.

So my friends, let's raise our voices AGAIN and call our senators and representatives and voice our opinions.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Memorium: Senator Edward M. Kennedy

Today we mark the passing of one of the greatest statesmen of our time. The passing of Ted Kennedy from the cruel disease of brain cancer leaves a loss not only for his family and friends but for our nation.

His passion and caring for the lives of the common man was extraordinary. A man of wealth and power, he used both to try and improve the lives of all people. He knew tragedy and joy, responsibility and weakness. He set an example that will be hard to follow.

It is sad that he is gone and I shed tears at hearing of his death. It was as if each of us knew him in some special way. When he spoke it often seemed like he was speaking directly to each one of us. One of my greatest fears is that there is no one to take his place. Who will step up and carry on his work with the same passion? Time will tell.

I extend my condolences to his family and friends and hope that they know how much the people of this country loved and admired him. May God rest his soul and may God surround his family with love and comfort.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Dear Senators,

First of all I am wondering how you can still call yourselves Republicans when one lie after another about health care reform is being told in your name. Getting people all stirred up to violence, carrying guns and being loud and rude is appalling and disgusting. Reasonable debate and asking questions is not wrong but hate speech, threats and lies are totally inappropriate.

As far as health care reform goes we do need the public option. There are too many people losing coverage, people who don't even have coverage and people being denied treatments that could save their lives. Talk about death panels, we have them now and they are called Health Insurance companies and HMO's. Go to the following link and look at the chart comparing the public option with the coop plan and you will see that the public will be the ones hurt by a coop plan. Also read Senator Rockefeller's discussion the coop plan.

I truly do not understand why you would not want everyone to have health insurance coverage. Don't tell me that we have the best health care in the world. Stephen Hawkings is still in Great Britain but my friend with ALS here in this country is dying very quickly because no one is willing to treat her the same way!

Again I urge you to support the public option and support you people. Obviously the government can run health insurance. It runs yours and it runs Medicare and I surely happy with the way my bills are paid and the coverage that I have and I am sure that you are too.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Romance Reviews

For my latest Romance Reviews go to

There are new reviews of books by Stephanie Laurens, Loretta Chase and Julia Quinn.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis : A guide for patients and families… by Hiroshi Mitsumoto, MD

As we discuss health care reform, we also need to be looking at how we fund research and development for some major diseases like ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease). This disease destroys the body in a slow process that takes away a person's independence and eventually their very breath. As my friend said, "You die inch by inch." The following book review is a comprehensive look at the disease and how it affects both patients and families. We need to be raising our voices to get more money for research.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis : A guide for patients and families… by Hiroshi Mitsumoto, MD
I requested this book as I am now being a supportive caregiver for a dear friend who has ALS. This book has an impressive list of contributors and Dr. Mitsumoto has a been given awards for his compassionate care of patients with this debilitating disease. There is an excellent index as well as a comprehensive Table of Contents.
The book is very thorough and goes into every aspect of the disease. In some places it seemed pretty technical and I am not sure that all families will take the time to read it all. I have a medical background that is very out of date so I appreciated reading about how the disease affects the person, what research is being done and how the symptom can be treated so that the patients are kept comfortable.
I especially liked the chapters on Hospice Care and Mourning. I think these chapters are essential reading for patients and families. Making end of life decisions are so important for all of us and the book certainly encourages that.
I will be giving the book to the family that I am helping so they can have a better understanding of what their family member is going through.
I rated this book 4 1/2 stars and I think it should be in every doctors office, public library and be given to any patient diagnosed with this disease.

Let's Stop Playing Politics With People's Lives

I feel like a broken record! I seem to be consumed with anxiety about what the Congress will do with Health Care Reform. I am tired of the Republicans doing nothing but running ads and making statements that spread lies and scare tactics about everything from race, the economy, health care and other issues but do nothing constructive.

What follows is my most recent communication with Senators Collins and Snowe. I know I would like more people to get involved and communicate with their elected official and I also know that I am being unrealistic. I don't think it is because people don't care, although that is true of many, but they can't expend the energy and are hopeless. I am the type of person that cannot give up the fight and I am always hopeful that I can help affect change that will help folks. That is always my basic premise for the issues that I support. Unfortunately money from the rich and powerful most always wins!

Anyway here is the letter. Join me if you can.

Dear Senators Snowe and Collins.

I am begging and pleading with you to support the public option as part of health care reform. It is the only wat to protect the people of this country from the immoral practices of the insurance companies.

Also, if you support taking away S-Chip which covers 11 million children it will be one of the most immoral acts ever committed. This is a country that professes to love their children but we ruin their health care, their education, allow them to go to bed hungry and that is not loving or caring for the children.

Also you should be trying stop the the members of your party from spreading lies and scare tactics to the people on the health care and economy when they have been responsible for the breakdown of our economy by supporting the Bush policies and illegal activities.

Priscilla Payne
Windham, Maine 04062

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Please Take Action on Health Care Reform

This is a letter that I have sent to Senators Snowe and Collins. I hope you will all take action too. You can email them at:
Go to their sites and you can email them from there. If you prefer their phone numbers are listed on their sites. We have this chance to reform our health care system and make sure that everyone has a choice and is covered. The stories of folks losing their homes and being forced into bankruptcy are sad and heart wrenching. Let's be a nation that cares for all and not just the select few who have coverage. I am one of those and I want my neighbors and community members to have the same. PLEASE TAKE ACTION!

Dear Senators Snowe and Collins,
I am urging you to support health care reform with a public option. I have said this before but you don't seem to listen. All people need to have health care at the same level that you do. Yours is paid for by us, the taxpayers and you don't have to worry about losing your health care or being denied treatment.

Go to this article in the Washington Post, read it and then read the comments.

Do you realize how angry the voters are that Senators and Representatives take huge sums from the health care industry and then vote against the people. Yes we are angry and we want you to listen to us. We want healthcare reform with a public option NOW!

The United States should not be #28 when it comes to infant mortality and we need to recognize that we are #30 in the obesity category. And you think we have a good health care system?

Stop trying to delay the process and make sure that there is a public option. The insurance companies are not honest and they treat their clients terribly. Let us have a choice! Stop voting with the lobbyists and insurance and health care industries and vote for the people.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

More on Health Care Reform

I received an email from Democracy For America discussing which Democratic Senators might stand in the way of health care reform and it lists 8 Democratic Senators and how much money they have taken from the health and insurance industries. Here is the listing.
Here are eight senators who may stand in the way of the public option -- along with the total amount of money they’ve received from health and insurance interests. Who should we target first with local ads?

Sen. Max Baucus $3,973,485
Sen. Evan Bayh $1,565,088
Sen. Kent Conrad $2,154,200
Sen. Dianne Feinstein $1,749,887
Sen. John Kerry $8,994,077
Sen. Mary Landrieu $1,653,943
Sen. Joe Lieberman $3,308,621
Sen. Ben Nelson $2,214,715
You can go to the following link to vote on which senators should be targeted in ads.

Take this opportunity and vote. Let's stop the lobbyists and insurance companies from determining how we will be treated, what medical tests we can have and forcing our doctors into seeing a predetermined number of patients regardless of the amount of time that might be needed to treat a patient successfully.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Snowe and Collins try to delay Health Care Reform

Senators Snowe and Collins have joined 4 other "Centrist" senators to try and delay a vote on health care reform. The following link is to an article on Huffington Post by Ryan Grim.

Paul Krugmann, my favorite economist, writes the following in a New York Times op- ed piece.
"The six deadly hypocrites
Will the destructive center kill health care reform? It looks all too possible.
What’s especially galling is the hypocrisy of their claimed reason for delaying progress — concern about the fiscal burden. After all, in the past most of them have shown no concern at all for the nation’s long-term fiscal outlook.
Case in point: the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, which denied Medicare the right to bargain for lower drug prices, locked in overpayments to private insurance companies, and did nothing, nothing at all, to pay for its proposed outlays. How many of these six self-proclaimed defenders of solvency voted no on the crucial procedural vote? One. (Joe Lieberman, to my surprise.)
And let’s not forget that Ben Nelson, who appears to be the ringleader, has fought tooth and nail against competition from a public option — which would almost certainly save a significant amount of money, as well as providing much-needed competition.
If the Gang of Six really does kill reform, remember their names; they will bear the responsibility for vast, unnecessary suffering over the years to come."

As I have mentioned before both Collins and Snowe are covered by the very best health insurance plan which is paid for by us, the taxpayers. They will never have to worry about losing their health care. I am totally amazed and disgusted that our Maine Senators are joining in this effort when over 72% of the public want a public option and reform NOW!
The cost of health care is rising at a formidable rate and is ruining the lives of many Americans who have either lost their coverage, been denied coverage or have never had health insurance. There are stories after stories of people who have been forced into bankruptcy, lost care and have died because of a lack of insurance and the lack of money to independently pay for health care.
If anyone thinks our health care system is the best, just take a look at our infant mortality rates which are worse than 28 other countries.( The US obesity rates are the highest out of 28 other countries with 30.6% of Americans being obese. ( If our health care system was better these figures might be lower and therefore cost for health care would be lower.

Therefore, for those of you who get this post by email, send it on and let's make calls and send letters to our Senators and let them know we want health care reform NOW and we want a PUBLIC OPTION!

Monday, June 29, 2009

An Open Letter to Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe

June 29, 2009

Dear Senators Snowe and Collins:

Last night, I listened to a radio interview with T. Boone Pickens. In this interview, he detailed his solutions to America's increasing dependancy on foreign oil. He has spent $60,000,000 of his own money to inform the public about the problem and his ideas for a solution. As I'm sure you know, we consume 25% of the world's oil, most of which is imported from people who don't like us, and we are only 4% of the world's population. This country has known for nearly 50 years that this time was coming and yet no one, Democrat or Republican, has come up with a plan to decrease our consumption and develop our own resources.

Mr. Pickens offered one point that made my blood run cold. He stated that China has already made oil deals with Venezuela, Brazil, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and is now in talks with the government of Kuwait. In a very short time, we will be at the mercy of our enemies and we could find ourselves paralyzed on their whim. If we go to war over this (God forbid) all of our oil will go to the military and we will be helpless. Our economy will certainly collapse and vital food and supplies will no longer be shipped across country because of the prohibitive cost of truck transport. Even if this event doesn't happen, at the very least oil could be $300. per barrel within 10 years. This is only one point that Mr. Pickens expanded upon and the others were not comforting to ponder, either.

I am very angry that this government seems to spend it's time whining over what might have been instead of trying to get to work and keep this country from disintegrating in our lifetimes. Congress must have figured out by now that invading any random country in the middle east is not the solution. What is so difficult about funding alternative energy plans? Why not support giant wind farms in our Western plains? Why not start making cars that use natural gas? Wouldn't that boost these dying auto companies? Wouldn't that produce jobs? Wouldn't that revitalize cities and towns that are nearly deserted at this point? How about a few nuclear energy plants? For heaven's sake, we are the country who came up with the idea in the first place and we don't even use it! That is just plain lazy. Europe is laughing at our stupidity and lack of motivation to save ourselves from a certain fate.

Please don't allow this to happen to our country. I would ask that the US once again becomes the world leader in innovation and invention and gain the respect of our tired citizens who are sick of hearing nothing but hate, fearmongering, and conspiracy theories spewing from unqualified talking heads on TV and radio, who are nothing but gasbags who have figured out how to make millions out of promoting extremism. Don't let them take over YOUR job of representing those of us who have elected you and live the everyday life of American citizens. I don't want to spend my old age burning my furniture to keep warm while our "enemy du jour" controls the trickle of oil.

I do hope you will take this seriously and support Mr. Picken's programs. He is the only person who seems to have a committed interest and a viable solution to this soon-to-be catastrophic problem.

Thank you very much for your attention to this issue.

Sea Rose

The Media and Michael Jackson

I don't know about some of you, but I am totally disgusted with the extent of the coverage of Michael Jackson's death. You would think the president or some world leader had died. This is a man who had led a less than exemplary life and he is now being held up as some sort of hero. What kind of an example is this for the young people of today? Let's face it. He was a druggie and lived a life of excesses and we want to hold him up as an example?

I do not know who is charge determining all this coverage but it is a huge mistake and I suspect money is involved. I turn on my TV and get the weather report and then turn it off. Does anyone realize that there are important things going on in the world? How many soldiers died or were wounded in Afghanistan or Iraq this week? How many families lost loved ones who led very nice, normal lives? How many people died fighting for freedom in Iran? What is happening on the health care front and on the energy bill?

Let's stop making heroes out of people who do not deserve it and concentrate on making the world a better place. Let's hold up decent people to be examples for our youth!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Health Care Reform and The Public Option

The question that boggles my mind is why would anyone not want to support health care reform that includes a public option? Do these Senators and Representatives want to deny millions of Americans the same quality of life that they enjoy at taxpayer expense? Don’t they realize that m72% of Americans want a public option. They hardly ever listen to the people and they surely do not give us credit for our intelligence and our compassion for those who do not enjoy the same health benefits that so many of us have.
One reason that pops up for me is that they have all received so much money from the healthcare industry. For example, Susan Collins of Maine had received over $750 million dollars in campaign contributions from the healthcare industry. So is she going to sell out her constituents in order to pay back contributors? Now she is just one example. If one goes to you can find out that information on any legislator.
Donations from the Health Care industry to a few of the top leadership people in the Senate follow
Mitch McConnell (R) - $696,450.00
Harry Reid (D) - $282,150.00
John Kyl ( R ) - $651, 883.00
Now maybe you can see why some Senators do not support the public option?
People, if healthcare reform is going to happen we need to get involved.

Dr. Howard Dean now has over 350,000 signatures that he will deliver to Congress this coming Thursday. You can add your signature by going to the site
Let’s make reform happen for the people of this country.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Today Show

I don't know about you folks, but I have stopped watching the Today Show. You get about 10 minutes of actual news and then it is all lightweight entertainment shows and news.

They also give too much air time to people like Sarah Palin, Miss California and every murder that involves something spectacular. That is just giving publicity to those whose egos are fed by it. By giving air time to these people they are just feeding those extremists out there who want to destroy our society.

It is really too bad because I really like Meredith, Al Roker and Ann Curry. Matt Lauer is very arrogant and full of himself.

So, I watch the local news and weather and then shut the TV off for the day.

How do you all feel!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

I have been totally disgusted with the way the media and the far right republicans have responded to President Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to be the next Supreme Court Justice.
To be calling her a racist and using her remarks out of context is abhorrent to me. All of their accusations have been debunked and yet they continue with their slander.
Her life story is very impressive and I think her experiences as well as her education will serve her well on our nation's highest court. I admire anyone who can overcome the odds as she has and then serve the country.
I believe that her accusers are the racists and anti feminists. When one considers that Clarence Thomas could be named to the highest court with all of his baggage or Samuel Alito for that matter, it seems that Sonia Sotomayor should be a shoe in.
We will never become a united country as long as we have bigots like Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney speaking for the republicans. They are destroying any opportunity for unity.
I sure hope she can give it back to them in confirmation hearings and I am sure that she can do this in a way that people will respect and cheer for her.


I have moved all of my romance reviews and discussions to a new blog.
This should make both blogs easier to follow.

Yesterday I received this email from Free The Grapes. In earlier posts I have encouraged folks to contact their state senators and representatives and urge them to Support LD1008. Please read the document below and take action. I did last night and Senator Diamond said he supports this legislation. Passage of this bill would allow consumers to buy wines of their choice directly from the wineries and not be held to buying wines only provided by distributors in Maine. So contact your legislators today! Many thanks.
May 27, 2009
We have the best chance in a decade to update Maine’s archaic direct shipping laws with reasonable, proven legislation. But we need your help today!
ACTION:1. Call Your Legislator immediately: Ask them to “support the majority report from the committee” that reviewed LD 1008 and the direct shipping issue. You can find names and phone numbers at 2. Please click here and use the Free the Grapes! website to personalize and automatically send your legislators a message today to Support LD 1008. 3. Forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues in Maine.
As mentioned in previous emails, two wine direct shipping bills have been introduced to the Maine state legislature. LD 1008 will significantly expand consumer choice in wine by allowing you to purchase wine directly from in-state and out-of-state wineries licensed to ship to Maine consumers. Thirty-six states have passed similar reasonable legislation (the “model direct shipping bill”), recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and supported by state alcohol regulators, consumers, and the Federal Trade Commission.
Please let your legislators know how you feel by taking two minutes now to: 1) call your legislators, and 2) use our website to personalize a message. We have a great opportunity this week to replace an outdated, anti-consumer statute with one that is proven to satisfy consumers and regulators alike.
Thanks for all your help.
Free the Grapes!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Collins and Snowe Screw the People One More Time

An amendment offered by Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont that would have capped interest rates that could be charged to credit card holders at 15% was defeated in the US Senate.

Senator Sanders said that one third of all credit card holders are being charged interest rates of between 20 and 41 %. I believe that is called usury or loan sharking and it proves once again that the banks own the Senate.

This amendment to the credit card bill would have been very beneficial to so many people.

Of course our Maine senators helped defeat the amendment which would have helped many people. But one must remember that they are always looking to make sure their campaign monies come in and forget helping the people. Susan Collins has received one million dollars from the finance, insurance and real estate sector of the economy so she is certainly easily influenced by the financial institutions. She has also received over $300,000.00 from lobbyists. (

Olympia Snowe has raised $669,000.00 from the finance, insurance and real estate sector and $244,000.00 from lobbyists. (

This certainly influences their votes. Now admittedly they had plenty of help in defeating this particular amendment which also underscores the way the financial sector can influence the votes. I don't know about you but I am tired of being the last in line when it comes to voting on issues that affect so many individuals.
A list of the roll call votes in this issue can be found at the following site.

My question is when do these politicians who are elected by the people begin to think about the people?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Christians or People Who Profess to Be Christian

Yesterday I took a daytrip to Vermont with a good friend and this morning I had coffee with another good friend. During both times the conversations eventually veered towards the political realm. Yesterday was the day that we were all waiting to see if Governor Baldacci would sign the law legalizing gay marriage and he did! Good for him. We were also talking about the immorality of the banks and credit card companies and how hard folks are having it right now.
Then I came home and found that the Christian right and the Catholic Church are going to organize for a people's veto of the Gay Marriage bill. It made me wonder just how serious these people are about their faith. They profess their belief in God and follow Jesus the Son of God or so they say. But do they really? I was brought up to believe that we worship a God who loves us unconditionally. I was also taught that Jesus surrounded himself with the poor, the needy, the lost and the sinner. He talked with the prostitutes and the adulterers, He ministered to the sick and lame and forgave all sinners. In other words He treated all people equally.
So I have a real problem with people calling themselves Christian and then doing things that go against the very things that Jesus taught.
One person called in to a local TV station and even said that being gay is a choice. I have very good friends and family members who are gay. Believe me, I do not believe that they or anyone would choose that life style when I have witnessed the discrimination, the hurt and hatred that has plagued them. This caller even said that 50% of their marriages would end in divorce and that they needed to choose wisely. Hello! The same statistic is true of heteorsexual marriages and we have sure not all learned the lesson of choosing wisely and honoring our commitments to one another.
I do think the world is changing and I am hopeful that more and more people are becoming more open to learning about and becoming more accepting of all lifestyles, religions and races. I hope if this people's referendum becomes reality that it can be soundly defeated and put the issue to rest once and for all.
For me personally I hope that my friends can now enjoy the same legal rights that I have had the privilege of and that the world can become a more tolerant place for all people. I thank the legislators and Governor Baldacci for having the courage to stand up and do the right thing by passing and signing this legislation.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Collins Does It Yet Again!

Susan Collins, again, decided to follow the party line and vote against the bankruptcy bill that would have helped some Mainers. When asked how her vote would play at home she said "I think it'll play just fine, because I view it as increasing the costs for homeowners, so it just wasn't the right approach."
Now doesn't she realize that every time a home is foreclosed upon the value of the other homes in the neighborhood decreases? Doesn't she care about the folks who have to go to bankruptcy court that if this bill passes they might be able to keep their homes by having a lower payment? Doesn't she realize that some of those folks will be homeless and that will cost us a lot more in the cost of food stamps, medical care, etc.
As Senator Dick Durbin said, "The banks own the Senate." How true, how true. A list will be published listing the senators who opposed the bill and how much money they have received in political contributions from the banking and insurance companies. It will be interesting to see just how much money Collins has received.
I also find it strange that when her office was contacted to see what her position on the bill was they could not tell me. I am sure she knew all along how she was going to vote but did not want her constituents to know ahead of time. What shoddy politics!

In an article on Huffington Post ( Ryan Grim wrote
"The measure is widely expected to fail, as crucial Democratic senators, whose votes are needed to overcome a filibuster, have publicly declared their opposition.Democratic Sens. Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mary Landrieu (La.) and Jon Tester have indicated they plan to vote against the amendment. Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), who supported the bill last time around, expressed reluctance to back it this time. The banking industry has lobbied relentlessly against the reform.On Monday night, Durbin concluded that the banks "frankly own the place."The place came (relatively) cheap.The banking and real estate industry has funneled roughly $2,000,000 into Landrieu's campaign coffers over her 12-year career, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics. Bayh has taken in about $3.5 million. The financial sector is Nelson's biggest backer; he's taken $1.4 million from banks and real estate interests and another $1.2 million from insurance firms. Tester has fielded roughly half a million in his two years in office.That's about nine million dollars -- far, far less than one percent of the amount taxpayers have spent to bail out the financial industry."
I will wait to see the posting that gives the figures for all the senators who voted this bill down.
Today on Huffington Post ( Grim titles his column In Their Own Words: Why Dem Senators Screwed Homeowners. He also has the quote from Susan Collins and the article is worth reading.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's Up With the Leaders in Windham????

Have you ever tried watching the Windham Town Council on the local access channel 7? It is one of the most frustrating experiences I have had. First of all if anyone speaks at all it is almost impossible to hear them. Either the microphones are terrible or the councilors do not know how to use them. Liz Wisecup is the only one that seems to care if anyone can hear. The Town Manager can usually be heard but not always.
I have never seen a group of people who say so little about anything. I can honestly say that after watching a meeting I am never sure what anyone's position is. Either someone is late and misses a good portion of the meeting or they leave before important budget presentations. Then they are going to vote intelligently?? on the final budget? How does anything get done?
Then there is the issue of communicating with the public. I have left a very complete and very polite voice mail for Mr. Plante along with my phone number regarding an issue with Time Warner Cable that has affected approximately 200 families in the area and my call has never been returned. That was 2 months ago! I was told by the office staff that Mr. Plante was the person to speak to on this issue as he deals with the franchise.
I wrote emails to the Superintendant of Schools and a school board member and never even received acknowledgement that they received them.
I sent emails and written letters to both Senator Diamond and Representative Bryant on an issue that I was interested in and have never received the courtesy of a reply.
So what is going on? Do they not care that people have concerns that need to be addressed? Do they not care that someone has taken the time to get in touch with them? Are they so busy that they cannot respond to legitimate concerns? It really is rude behavior. I have been in a position where I had to work with town officials and the public and it was my policy to always respond as quickly as possible. I have always been supportive of local, state and national budgets and of progressive policies and initiatives that address the needs of the people. I also believe that is our obligation to be in communication with elected officials to let them know what we are thinking. I do this in spite of the perception by officials that we are ignorant and uninformed. We are informed and really do think about issues and care what is happening. Let me be clear, I am not usually a negative person but repeated incidents like those I have described can sure turn a positive person into a negative one.
This attitude seems to be pervasive among elected officials in Windham, the State of Maine and the nation. We faithfully pay our taxes, go to vote, contribute to campaigns and as soon as we do those things we are no longer considered important. When we do speak out we are treated as though we have no right to do so and are looked on as complainers.
It is time for a wakeup call to officials that they need to take the people seriously especially if they wish support for their budgets and policies.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois affirms my suspicions that "the banks own the Senate." Read my prior post at

Read the article to see what Dick Durbin has to say.

Call your senators and urge them to ignore the lobbyists for the banking industry.

Harry Reid is Caving in Again. This Time on the Bankruptcy Bill. Lobbyists Still Control Washington!

The United States Senate is now debating the bankruptcy bill that has been passed by the House of Representatives. Senate majority leader Harry Reid is again caving in to Republicans who are threatening to filibuster and prevent voting. Harry Reid needs to be replaced by someone who has the courage to take a stand and stick to it! I can honestly say that the Republicans have repeatedly denounced the Democrats for filibustering. If they did not like it then why do they try it now? They do it because they can and we let them get away with it!
The holdup is because the House bill includes giving bankruptcy judges the ability to lower a person’s mortgage payments under bankruptcy. Unfortunately it is called cram down which certainly gives it a poor connotation. But let’s face it, it is the bank lobbyists that are putting pressure on Republicans to remove that from the bill.
I have called both Senator Susan Collins’ office and Senator Olympia Snowe’s office to find out how they are voting. Both offices told me that the Senator has not released a public statement. I asked when they might be so inclined to let the people know how they might vote so we could be prepared for that. I was told that they would be happy to notify me in writing. I told them not to bother as it take 6-8 weeks to get a response and by then it would be too late to do anything.
I also asked if they would be part of the filibuster process to prevent this from coming to a vote. Collins office told me she rarely participates in filibusters and Snowe’s office said the Senator has not made a public statement.
I also asked if the Senators even got the comments from people who call in. Of course I was told that they carefully consider them. To be honest I have my doubts about that. I was very open about my feelings that this bill needs to be passed and that it is time for Congress to stop listening to the lobbyists that represent the banking industry which got us into this mess in the first place and to begin listening to the people and thinking about the people who are being hurt the most by this economic crisis.
I also asked what their positions are on the confirmation of Dawn Johnsen to head the Office of Legal Counsel and was again told that they have not released a public statement. While the Republicans have been critical of Johnsen, in an article on Huffington Post dated April 22, 2009, Neil Kinkopf, Professor at Georgia State University of Law refuted each point in the criticisms of Johnsen by stating facts about her opinions and ended his article with this quote,” Dawn Johnsen is an outstanding choice to lead the Office of Legal Counsel. It is not surprising that her critics have resorted to basing their arguments on fiction. We can only hope the Senate will see through this and quickly move to confirm her nomination.” His article can be read at the following site
I also mentioned that I was very disappointed that the Obama nominations were being held up and that most of the people who are delaying these nominations could not pass the vetting process or the confirmation process themselves.
So I have done it again! Sometimes I wonder how much effect one person can have and think I am crazy to keep trying but I know that if everyone raised their voices we could see change. So I will keep on trying as it is not an option for me to keep silent when so much is at stake.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Susan Collins Does It Again!

Well, Susan Collins has done it AGAIN! She and Arlen Specter managed to get $900 million dollars designated for pandemic flu preparedness in the Stimulus bill cut out before the bill was passed. They did not see that it would create jobs. They never gave any thought to what a pandemic would do to the economy. Just look at Mexico and see the empty streets, stores and arenas and you will see what a pandemic can do to an economy.
They also never realized the extra jobs that can be created in preparation for a pandemic. This is due to the hiring of more biologists and lab workers to do research that could protect our people. Just think of the vaccines that need to be produced, masks and gloves that need to be manufactured and all of the other support type jobs that go along with all of these needs. How could they be so short sighted?
Now Susan Collins is speaking out against health care. As I have said before she will never have to worry about health care. We, the taxpayers, will be paying for her health care until she dies. How can she deny that for other people. For all the awards she has received for being bipartisan she most always walks the party line and in fact was a mouth piece for the Bush Administration on many issues.
All I can say is thank God I did not vote for her!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Tea Parties And Taxes

Grass Roots movements can be very effective and can change policy and change the outcome of elections and that is good. especially if it is a true grass roots movement. However the whole Tea Party idea, which has been touted as a grass roots movement, has been promoted by FOX News commentators and by prominent wealthy Republican. As one blogger on the Atlantic Magazine's website said, "a real popular grassroots movement wouldn't need to rely on a corporation like Fox News to get its message out."

What people are forgetting is the fact that already 95% of working Americans are receiving tax cuts. They are seeing more money in their paychecks as a result of the Obama policies. The taxes have not been raised on ordinary Americans and in fact taxes have not yet been raised on the wealthiest Americans.

No one likes paying taxes but also what these people involved in the Tea Party movement are thinking about is the jobs that have already been realized by projects funded by the stimulus bill. All over the country workers are being called back to work or new jobs are being created in construction. Over 2000 projects have already been approved by the Department of Transportation. That represents thousands of jobs!

In order to track how the Recovery and Reinvestment Act money is being spent, the website is excellent. This website also has links to the various departments where one can see in more detail how the money is being allocated. Also the website has very up to date information on the President's policies and a very easy way to contact is office. I have taken advantage of the contact form quite a few times. It offers an easy way to allow your voice to be heard.

President Obama is having his financial team look at the very complicated tax code to see where loop hopes can be closed and how to make filing taxes easier. I don't mind paying taxes if I know everyone else is paying their fair share too.

So, I have a word to those who protested through the Tea Party events. Look around at your neighbors and at yourselves and see who is benefitting from this Recovery and Reinvestment money and stop being goaded into action by people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Shaun Hannity. They are using you for their own purposes and could be considered dangerous to your health with their rantings and ravings and innuendoes about revolutions and rearming America. They are promoting fear and one thing we do not need is fear of our neighbors. or of our government.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cell Phones and Texting in Schools

Easter can be a time of revelation in more ways than one. As families and friends gather and conversations flourish lots of information is passed along. I had no idea that students in schools can have cell phones although they are not supposed to use them except at lunch time. However many students text all through their classes. How do they learn anything? Where are the teachers and why don't they care?
Now I realize that in case of an emergency students having a cell phone with them could be extremely helpful but that is the only use they should have during the school day.
I have worked in schools and I have negotiated both support staff and professional staff contracts and have argued against merit pay for some very good reasons. However, I am coming to the conclusion that merit pay is needed and administrators need to be more involved in actually observing what is going on in the classroom.
It is no wonder that the United States is falling behind many other countries in educational achievement if students are busy texting instead of being engaged in the learning process. Our dropout rate is increasing and the percentage of students going on to higher education is decreasing.
I believe that the No Child Left Behind has weakened our educational system by taking away the creativity of really good teachers. Instead of inspiring students to want to achieve and be innovative and imaginative learners they are constantly having to teach to the test.
Now I might have digressed from my original intent in this post and you might say what has all of this discussion have to do with cell phones in school. Well, there is a disconnect between the students, teachers administrators and parents that allows this type of behavior. Where is the pride in seeing our children become active, engaged learners? Where is the desire of teachers to have control of their classroom so that all children can be active learners? Where are the administrators who are supposed to make sure that the rules are enforced for both teachers and students?


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Free The Grapes Explanation of Consumer Wine Bills before the Maine Legislature

If it becomes law, LD 1008, the Free the Grapes bill, will significantly expand consumer choice in wine by allowing you to purchase wine directly from in-state and out-of-state wineries licensed to ship to Maine consumers. Thirty-five states have passed similar, reasonable legislation (the “model direct shipping bill”) which was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and has been supported by state alcohol regulators, consumers, and the Federal Trade Commission.

On the other hand, the politically connected wine wholesalers are supporting a direct shipping “poison pill” that promises that Maine will remain one of just 15 states that bans shipments. LD 1025 is a “wine connoisseurs’ permit” bill that requires consumers to purchase a state-issued license! Similar statutes, like the one in Montana, have proved totally unworkable. In fact Maine, repealed its statute because no consumers signed up for the permit! If that weren’t enough, LD 1025:

• Requires that you pay $75 per year for a state-issued license – there is no precedent for this in any other state;

• Prevents you from purchasing more than 12 cases from all wineries;

• Limits the wines you may purchase to only those not in wholesale distribution in Maine; • Requires that you physically visit the winery premises before placing an order.

OPPOSE – LD 1025 and LD 1308

Free The Grapes!

Help us Free The Grapes!

Free the Grapes! is a national, grassroots coalition of consumers, wineries and retailers who seek to remove restrictions on wine direct shipping. Our goal is to augment, not replace, the three-tier system with limited, regulated wine shipments from wineries and retailers to consumers.

Two bills have been introduced to the Maine state legislature, and a third wholesaler-supported “poison pill” was introduced more recently. Following this post is a post that more fully explains the different bills.
We need your help to:
OPPOSE – LD 1025 and LD 1308
If made into law, LD 1008 will significantly expand consumer choice in wine by allowing you to purchase wine directly from in-state and out-of-state wineries licensed to ship to Maine consumers. Thirty-five states have passed similar reasonable legislation (the “model direct shipping bill”), recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and supported by state alcohol regulators, consumers, and the Federal Trade Commission.
The two other bills are “poison pills,” supported by the politically connected wine wholesalers. Both of these bills promise that Maine will remain one of just 15 states that ban shipments.
Please let your legislators know how you feel by taking two minutes to personalize your message. We have the opportunity to replace an outdated, anti-consumer statute with one that is proven to satisfy consumers and regulators alike. If either LD 1025 or LD 1308 passes into law, it is likely to set back direct wine shipping in Maine for many years to come.
Thanks for all your help.

I have written to my state representative and my state senator. In addition to the wording suggested by Free The Grapes ( I began the letter with my own words. The text of my letter is below. I hope many of you will also write and urge your representatives and senators to support LD1008 and allow consumers free choice.

Dear Senator or Representative,

Below is the text from"Free The Grapes" which I totally agree with. I have long been in favor of being able to purchase wine which I enjoy and cannot obtain in Maine. I certainly should not have to pay a license fee to do this. It is time that we, the people, have free choice in this matter and that our ability to choose the wines that we want should not be hindered by lobbyists for the wine wholesalers. I urge you to support LD1008 and oppose LD1025.

As an adult voter in Maine, I strongly urge you to support LD 1008 and oppose LD 1025.

LD 1008 is a Free The Grapes bill. It is based on legislation already working successfully in 35 states, was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court andhas been supported by state alcohol regulators, consumers, and the Federal Trade Commission.

On the other hand, the wine wholesaler-supported LD1025 is a poison pill for legal, regulated winery-to-consumer shipping. It will work against both wineries and consumer choice in wine because its provisions are arbitrary, onerous and have proven unworkable in Montana and even our own state.

I believe that consumers - not wine wholesaler middlemen - should decide what wines we can enjoy and how we purchase them - especially because a proven solution is working in other states. Support LD 1008 and oppose LD 1025 and let me know how you plan to vote on this consumer issue.


Friday, March 27, 2009

The Obama Budget and Our Senators

I am really upset with our Senators from Maine. While neither has made a public statement about how they will vote on the Obama budget, each has made statements that they are not supportive of the priorities in the budget.
First of all how can they vote against health care for all Americans when they have the very best health care plan paid for by us the taxpayers? Not only do they have it while they are in the Senate but they have it for life. Many of the people who are paying for their health care are not covered at all. They have no conscience at all in my mind if they do not support this health care plan.
Then there is the energy and environmental aspects of the budget. Since 1973 when the last energy crisis happened, we did not learn our lesson. The Republicans have been in power for a good portion of that time and have done nothing to solve the energy problem. Now that we have a proposal that would not only help us become energy independent but would create thousands of jobs they might not support this.
Now we come to education. The educational standing of the State of Maine continues to fall. The drop out rate has increased and fewer students go on to college because of the expense involved. If Senators Snowe and Collins really want to support their constituents they will support the educational portion of the budget.
Neither Senator will commit to supporting making the middle class tax cuts permanent. They will however support tax cuts for the wealthiest 5%. Where is the fairness in this? 25 hedge fund managers made 11.6 billion dollars in 2008 and will only pay a tax rate of 15% because of loopholes in the tax code. A person making $40,000.00 will pay a higher tax rate on their income than these very wealthy people. There are serious problems with our very complicated tax code and it needs to be addressed.
Why are we so afraid to make things fair in this country? Anyway, I have called the offices of Senators Snowe and Representative Pingree to urge them to support the Obama budget. I hope you will join me and make those calls.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Fury of the American People

The people of this country are outraged at the fact that AIG and CitiBank and others have taken taxpayer dollars in bailout money and have awarded enormous bonuses and are redecorating offices, building baseball stadiums, sponsoring golf tournaments and heaven only knows what else.
There is anger about the money but the anger goes much deeper than that. It is the immorality and greed that hits at the very soul of the people. These corporations that have brought down our economy are basically thumbing their noses at the American people. Do they really think that we are that stupid that we won’t notice?
New York Times columnist, David Brooks, wrote the following in his column of March 2, 2009.
“The U.S. has never been a society riven by resentment. Yet the Obama budget is predicated on a class divide. The president issued a read-my-lips pledge that no new burdens will fall on 95 percent of the American people. All the costs will be borne by the rich and all benefits redistributed downward.”
Where has David Brooks been that he does not realize that there is class resentment and always has been.? It has been getting deeper over the last eight years when the burden of supporting this country’s programs has fallen on the middle class. Does he really believe that the poor are not resentful at the way they have been and are treated?
Certainly the wealthy have tax loopholes that none of us have. Corporations have taken their businesses off shore to avoid paying U.S. taxes. They have also taken their jobs off shore and left the people here jobless.
People who have had a decent standard of living are now living in tent cities or on the streets because of job losses and subprime mortgages that have forced well meaning people and their children onto the streets.
Journalists and Republicans can’t wait to criticize President Obama and his administration when Congress passed the TARP and the Bush Administration gave the money away with no restrictions. Where is the outrage over that? Our Congress is as much to blame as anyone. All of this has not happened since January 20, 2009. It has been coming on for years and no one and I mean NO ONE cared enough to do anything about it and believe me there were people in power who knew what was going on but as always greed ruled.
This situation needs to be rectified with more regulation and honest people to oversee all areas of government. Are there any honest people left in Washington? It will take a miracle to convince me that they are truly looking out for us, the American people.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Save The Date - April 3, 2009

Town Hall Meeting - There is a Town Hall Meeting April 3rd at Hannaford Hall at USM Portland 6:30 - that sounds really interesting. Below is a copy of a letter written by Sally Breen of Windham regarding the meeting. I plan to attend this meeting and will share information for those of you who might not attend.

"Town Hall Meeting

Below is a letter to the editor that will be published this Friday in the Windham Independent. I thought you would like to know about this Town Meeting, and I hope you will attend.
February 25, 2009
To the Editor:
Our state and nation are at a historic crossroads. The deepening recession has eroded the financial standing and optimism of a majority of Americans, nearly 2/3 of whom say that they have been hurt by the downturn. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost in recent weeks.
With the new administration, there is hope that we can close the divide between the rich and the poor. There is hope that we can address the energy crisis. There is hope that we can have a health care system that provides care for every citizen. There is hope that we can address the looming environmental crisis.
But hope alone leaves us hopeless. Therefore, knowing that change always comes from the people, a group representing 45 organizations, has organized a Town Hall Meeting for Friday, April 3, 2009 at Hannaford Hall on the USM Campus in Portland. Doors will open at 6:30 where tables of literature will be available. The program is scheduled from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Speakers confirmed are Representative Chellie Pingree, and State representative Hannah Pingree. Others invited are Representative Michael Michaud, and Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Microphones will be available for the audience to discuss their concerns.
Important future actions will be determined at this meeting. It can affect how our legislators vote on state and national issues. Attend and let your voice be heard.
Sally A. Breen"

The Stimulus and You

Since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus package) it has become vital for all of us to keep track of where this money is going. It is our tax dollars after all so we have a vested interest in how the money is spent. There are two websites that are very important in keeping track of the flow of money. The most comprehensive site is the federal site There is a great deal of information there. You can read the entire bill, see the breakdown of how the money will be spent, a timeline showing progress, the ability to tell your recovery story and each state's progress and resources.
The State of Maine also has created a website that will allow us to know how the money allocated to Maine is being spent. Right now there are a number of documents giving beginning information as to how the funds are to be used and different reports that will be required. That site is
Another site that was sent to me by a friend that details the "shovel ready" projects submitted by mayors of major cities in the report of the 2008 National Mayors Conference. The mayors of Portland and Lewiston submitted 72 projects for consideration. This site is
This site is interesting as it allows interested viewers of the site to vote on how important they feel the project is and it also allows viewers to comment on the projects.
So keep informed and check out the sites and see how your money is being spent.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lisa Ling's Report on Tent Cities

I don't know if you saw the Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday(Feb. 25) but Lisa Ling did a report on the tent cities that are springing up all over this country due to the recession. You need to go to and watch the report. I support the Stimulus bill but it is not going to help the people who have lost jobs, homes and all of their belongings and are now forced to live in tent cities that are illegal where there are no services and cleanliness is next to impossible. Water is in short supply and it is difficult to keep clean and warm. Tax cuts do not help people who have no earnings. I have written to Barack Obama, Senators Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and John McCain to ask what they going to do about this situation.

We are supposedly the the most advanced country in the world and we have people living like this. It is disgusting! We pour billions into third world countries and then let our own people live in squalor. What is wrong with this picture.

One person cannot fix this. It is only government that can go into a place like this and help. There are families with small children living like this and no one seems to care. Children are being robbed of their education, health and a safe place to live.

People in Washington are so isolated that they have no clue as to the suffering of the people who are their constituents. This is a tragedy and no one seems to care. When people lose their jobs and are forced to leave their homes companies come in and clean out the house and all the personal belongings, furniture, computers, etc. are thrown in the trash. Supposedly agencies are overwhelmed with stuff. There has to be a central clearing house for these items as there are certainly people who can use the items. What a sad thing to have all of your belongings just thrown away because you have no place to take them.

Here we now have lobbyists planning campaigns that will cost millions of dollars to try and sabotage the plans for health care reform, education and climate change and subsidies. What a waste of money. Why can't they see that their millions could help regular people who are in dire straits. The rich fat cats of this country have had it too good for too long and I am furious that we allow this to happen in this country of plenty. I have asked the government to see that help is given to these unfortunate people. I am more than willing to do what I can but it takes a big organization to lead the effort.

I am asking all of my readers to go to http://www, and watch Lisa Ling's report. If it does not move you to take action, I don't know what will. If we all act together maybe we can effect a change. Please join me in expressing your outrage.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Response to a Post by Sudburiensis

I am so in tune with what my friend Sudburiensis on his blog, , wrote and I have thought the very same things myself. He discussed the fact that Bernie Maddoff and Alan Stanford are out free when they should be in jail. He also talked about the bankers who knew what they were doing and misled the public.

You and I know that the bankers and Wall Street fat cats knew what they were doing and they are walking scott free. I also think people in power who are voted to represent the people also knew what was going on and they didn't tell us so we all suffered huge losses and our retirements are no longer secure.I could go on and on but I guess the ranting doesn't really help.

I have always had a great deal of admiration for Tom Daschle but if you and I made a much smaller mistake on our taxes the IRS would have been after us in no time and we would not have been treated very well.

Then tonight I listened to Chris Matthews on MSNBC who said that the Dow Jones is Obama's score card. I don't believe that should be the scorecard. The American people are the scorecard and right now they approve of Obama's actions by 67%. My financial analyst told me today that it will take time for the stimulus money to have an effect on the economy. The markets are afraid that the banks will go under and maybe they will. How can they blame Obama when he inherited the whole mess from the very worst president we have had in modern times. At least the new adminsitration is attempting to do something and we should give him a chance.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Are We Doing To Our Children?

Tonight on the news a feature story was about Tweens and Teens having Spa Days! Two of the children were boys ages 7 and 10. They went to the spa to get their hair lightened. These kids should be outdoors playing and being the children they are.
It showed young girls getting their lips injected to look fuller, having their eyebrows waxed and even going in for bikini waxes. It reported that more and more teens are having plastic surgery and even using Botox.
What has happened to parenting? We are sending the wrong messages to our children that appearance is the most important thing. Whatever happened to allowing children to be children. We are allowing and encouraging our children to become small adults who do not have the emotional, intellectual or physical skills to act like adults. There is a reason for the stages of development and we are doing our children a disservice when we allow or promote the use of such appearance enhancing activities such as spa visits.
We as adults need to act like adults and set priorities and boundaries for our children. This means allowing age appropriate activities.
I believe that having the media show this story during what we might call family time is just putting more bad ideas into the minds of children and parents. This is not news we need to see.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Education and the Stimulus Package

Did you know that in the recently passed economic stimulus package there is 100 billion dollars for education? I didn't realize it until this morning when I read an op-ed piece by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times. He writes that he has changed his mind about Healthcare being the number one priority. He has now come to believe that education is the number one priority. I refer you to his editorial in the link below.
I happen to agree with Kristoff. We are a country that professes to love our children but when it comes to budgeting education usually takes the biggest hits other than assiatnce to the poor and needy. If we are going to improve the lot of the poor and needy education needs to be a priority. Over the years I have seen watered down curriculum and a lack of focus on the academic side of education. There seems to be more of a focus on athletics. Now I believe that there needs to be a balance and that athletics have a place but we need to realize that not all of our kids will become college athletes or professional athletes. But all kids need an academic education to become productive citizens.
How will we solve the economic, social and scientific problems that the country and the world face? It will be by giving all children an education and making math, science, reading and writing more interesting and challenging and more important.
This takes good teachers who truly love their jobs and are willing to make needed changes to be sure their students are involved in the learning process. It will take higher pay for the people who spend so much time with our children and have an enormous ability to influence them.
It will also take supportive parents who want their children to be successful learners and who will accept that all children do not always get all A's. Parents need to make sure that their children do the work needed to be successful learners. Parents need to be supportive of the classroom teachers and respect their knowledge and integrity. This too often is not the case.
Teachers also need to get to know their students as people and learners and be willing to adapt to some individual needs.
This is not an easy problem to solve but one that needs our attention and support.

Proud To Be From Maine

I want to congratulate our two Republican Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, for having the the courage to stand up and do what they thought was right for the American people and the people of Maine by supporting the Stimulus bill that Presdient Obama will sign this week.

Susan Collins worked very hard to bring about a compromise bill for the Stimulus package that she could support and that is to her credit. I have always admired the independence of Olympia Snowe and she showed again her strength and willingness to work in a bipartisan manner to support this legislation.

These two women showed up their Rebublican counterparts by putting the people first and not just going the party line and they are to be complimented.

I, for one, intend to write to them both and thank them and I hope others will do that too because it truly took courage for these two women from Maine to stand against the tide swell of Republican negativity.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Totally Disgusted (AGAIN!)

Today comes the word that Citi Bank is purchasing a 50 million dollar very fancy corporate jet. See the story on Huffington Post

They already have 2 corporate jets. We gave them bailout money and they go and spend it this way. We, the people of this country, are victims of theft of our tax dollars. I will urge each and every one of you to call your Senators and Representatives and have them demand all of our money back.

Not only that but the CEO of Lehman Brothers has sold his 13 million dollar mansion in Florida to his wife for $100.00. After receiving taxpayer money he is doing all he can to protect his personal wealth. The audacity of these men is beyond believable.

Sometimes I think I am living in a world gone mad. Has greed and misuse of power always been this blatant?

Let's all do the best we can to see that these people are punished for destroying our trust and confidence as well as ruining our retirement accounts.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The End of Suburbia

This afternoon I have been watching the movie The End of Suburbia. While this is a disturbing film, it presents a reality that we all need to be aware of. It talks about America's dependence on foreign oil and how the supply is decreasing. It also discusses how our lifestyles need to change so that we can adapt to a future with less or no oil.

There is a debate over whether or not we have reached the Peak Oil. It would appear that if we have not reached it, we will in the next few years. Are we prepared for the time when we no longer can depend on oil for our energy needs?

This film gives the history of the development of the suburbs, highways and automobiles and how these things have lead to our extreme use of oil. It discusses not only peak oil but also presents some ideas of how we might move ahead and recreate towns and neighborhoods that allow the use of bicycles, more walking, buying local and other ideas.

Are we ready to accept a new lifestyle? Does the government have a plan to help us get more energy independent? Do we still want sterile environments that have few trees, no clotheslines, no gardens and developments that have destroyed the natural world?

I would recommend that all people view this film and take what it says to heart. Begin thinking realistically about what you can do now to reduce your use of fossil fuels. What could we do?

We could convince the town to erect windmills and put up solar collectors to help power the community. We could encourage the development of community gardens. We can support local agriculture by getting our food at local farmer's markets. We can make sure that we unplug appliances that continually draw electricity. We can lower our heating temperatures and wear more sweaters. We can consolidate our trips so that we drive less. Let's put our collective minds together and see if we can make changes locally.

We all need to realize that in order to make the necessary changes we have to shed the "not in my backyard" state of mind. We need to accept the reality of windmills and solar collectors on roofs. This will be a stretch for many as change is hard to accept but we can no longer go on as we have been.

The Media and Tragedy

The story of George Anthony's alleged suicide attempt shows how devasting a family tragedy can be especially when the media is constantly reporting it. The media has inflamed the community to the point that his home and property has not become a safe place to be. Where is the moral obligation of the media to back off and allow this couple sanctity and safety in their own home? It is bad enough to be constantly covering this story but to drive a person to take is own life is unforgiveable.

No one should be allowed on their property, much less being at their front door yelling at that them. Does no one have any respect or compassion for the emotional toll that this issue has taken on them? Also where is law enforcement that they would allow this?

What makes this case so spectacular that it deserves this type of coverage? Do you know how many children are killed or abused each day in this country and never receive any mention? Why doesn't the media use their power to make sure that children are protected instead of exploited?

People who harrass the Anthony's are responsible also. When have any of us been given the right to harrass anyone? I do believe that these people are ignorant and cruel but I also think the media is the most responsible for keeping this case in the forefront of the news.

The justice system will deal with Casey Anthony. Let her parents alone and use the influence of the media to calm the community and give these people the space to deal with their grief over the situation they find themselves in.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Are You Disgusted Yet?

I am totally disgusted and furious about the news of the CEO of Merrill Lynch spending over a million dollars to redecorate his office when his company was in trouble. He gave billions of dollars in bonuses to employees of Merrill Lynch at a time when Bank of America was in the process of taking them over.

Then Bank of America asks for more money because Merrill Lynch was in more trouble than they thought. I am furious that the taxpayer's money is going to line the pockets of people who are already wealthy and have acted in a greedy way and misused their power. I am sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't believe that Merrill Lynch is the only company that has misused the taxpayer's money. We should be rising up in anger and putting a stop to this type of abuse.

Then there is the issue of the illegal wiretapping that occured during the Bush administration. One of the NASA analysts has now come out and told how deep the wiretapping has gone. He did not come out into the open while Bush was still in office as he was afraid of retaliation. As it is he was fired from his job when he began asking questions and it became obvious that he knew too much. I believe that there will be an investigation into this at least by investigative reporters.

This is another issue that we should all be rising up in anger about and writing to our Senators and Representatives and calling on them to look into this matter. Our rights have been compromised and we should be angry and concerned.

Three Days Later

Well, I don't know how you feel, but still three days after Barack Obama's inauguration I am still hopeful and energetic. I can't wait to hear what the new president is doing each day even though the stock market is tanking AGAIN or should I say STILL. So far it seems like he is at least trying to get us back on moral and legal ground.
How long will this feeling last?
Already there are members of Congress who will be roadblockers. I think especially of John Boehner, Conservative Republication from Ohio. His state is one that has lost many jobs and industries and yet he will be one of the worst members of Congress in bucking anything that this new administration tries to do. I wish he and Mitch McConnell would heed President Obama's advice to put away childish things. This means, to me, that everyone needs to grow up and work together. Unfortunately, I fear that partisan politics is still alive and well in Washington, D.C.
Partisan politics do not serve the people very well. It will always be a fact and I agree that there needs to be debate but not animosity and hatefulness.
All I know is that the economy needs help, jobs need to be created, peace needs to be reached in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistani issues need to be solved and we can't have a bunch of sore losers delaying the solving of these problems.