Monday, March 2, 2009

The Stimulus and You

Since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus package) it has become vital for all of us to keep track of where this money is going. It is our tax dollars after all so we have a vested interest in how the money is spent. There are two websites that are very important in keeping track of the flow of money. The most comprehensive site is the federal site There is a great deal of information there. You can read the entire bill, see the breakdown of how the money will be spent, a timeline showing progress, the ability to tell your recovery story and each state's progress and resources.
The State of Maine also has created a website that will allow us to know how the money allocated to Maine is being spent. Right now there are a number of documents giving beginning information as to how the funds are to be used and different reports that will be required. That site is
Another site that was sent to me by a friend that details the "shovel ready" projects submitted by mayors of major cities in the report of the 2008 National Mayors Conference. The mayors of Portland and Lewiston submitted 72 projects for consideration. This site is
This site is interesting as it allows interested viewers of the site to vote on how important they feel the project is and it also allows viewers to comment on the projects.
So keep informed and check out the sites and see how your money is being spent.

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