Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Free The Grapes!

Help us Free The Grapes!

Free the Grapes! is a national, grassroots coalition of consumers, wineries and retailers who seek to remove restrictions on wine direct shipping. Our goal is to augment, not replace, the three-tier system with limited, regulated wine shipments from wineries and retailers to consumers.

Two bills have been introduced to the Maine state legislature, and a third wholesaler-supported “poison pill” was introduced more recently. Following this post is a post that more fully explains the different bills.
We need your help to:
OPPOSE – LD 1025 and LD 1308
If made into law, LD 1008 will significantly expand consumer choice in wine by allowing you to purchase wine directly from in-state and out-of-state wineries licensed to ship to Maine consumers. Thirty-five states have passed similar reasonable legislation (the “model direct shipping bill”), recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and supported by state alcohol regulators, consumers, and the Federal Trade Commission.
The two other bills are “poison pills,” supported by the politically connected wine wholesalers. Both of these bills promise that Maine will remain one of just 15 states that ban shipments.
Please let your legislators know how you feel by taking two minutes to personalize your message. We have the opportunity to replace an outdated, anti-consumer statute with one that is proven to satisfy consumers and regulators alike. If either LD 1025 or LD 1308 passes into law, it is likely to set back direct wine shipping in Maine for many years to come.
Thanks for all your help.

I have written to my state representative and my state senator. In addition to the wording suggested by Free The Grapes (http://www.freethegrapes.org/) I began the letter with my own words. The text of my letter is below. I hope many of you will also write and urge your representatives and senators to support LD1008 and allow consumers free choice.

Dear Senator or Representative,

Below is the text from"Free The Grapes" which I totally agree with. I have long been in favor of being able to purchase wine which I enjoy and cannot obtain in Maine. I certainly should not have to pay a license fee to do this. It is time that we, the people, have free choice in this matter and that our ability to choose the wines that we want should not be hindered by lobbyists for the wine wholesalers. I urge you to support LD1008 and oppose LD1025.

As an adult voter in Maine, I strongly urge you to support LD 1008 and oppose LD 1025.

LD 1008 is a Free The Grapes bill. It is based on legislation already working successfully in 35 states, was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court andhas been supported by state alcohol regulators, consumers, and the Federal Trade Commission.

On the other hand, the wine wholesaler-supported LD1025 is a poison pill for legal, regulated winery-to-consumer shipping. It will work against both wineries and consumer choice in wine because its provisions are arbitrary, onerous and have proven unworkable in Montana and even our own state.

I believe that consumers - not wine wholesaler middlemen - should decide what wines we can enjoy and how we purchase them - especially because a proven solution is working in other states. Support LD 1008 and oppose LD 1025 and let me know how you plan to vote on this consumer issue.


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