Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baucus, Squawkus

Can you believe the bill that came out of the Senate Finance Committee which is chaired by Senator Max Baucus. Our senator Olympia Snowe was part of the "gang of six" who supposedly negotiated the terms of the bill. Whatever were they thinking? This is just a gift to the health insurance industry. It does nothing to help the people of this country. Baucus is owned by the health care industry as they have given him over 3 million dollars.

Wendell Potter, who used to be the Vice President of Communications for Cigna, testified before the House Steering and Policy Committee this past Tuesday and made this statement. He warned that if Congress "fails to create a public insurance option to compete with private insurers, the bill it sends to the president might as well be called the Insurance Industry Profit Protection and Enhancement Act."

I hope that you will go to the following link to read more of Potter's testimony at:

I called both Senators Collins and Snowe's offices today and told them that it is time to stop pandering to the lobbyists and the health care industry and begin thinking about the people they represent.
There is story after story about people having their policies canceled after being diagnosed with a life threatening disease. Just recently the South Carolina Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision to award 10 million to a man who policy was canceled, when he was a teenager, after being diagnosed with HIV. It is reported that bonuses were paid to health insurance workers based on the number of policies they canceled. Now this is criminal and unethical.
I am sure that I will be writing more on this subject as I am so disgusted with our elected leaders in the Congress who think more about reelection and campaign funds than they do about the people they represent.

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