Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It is time for clean and fair elections nation wide.  In the last three days I have received over 15 requests for money for different candidates and causes.  I have received them from John Kerry, John Slotz, the DSCC, the DLCC, True Majority,, Joe Biden, Act Blue and many others.  Can you chip in $85.00  for this, can you donate $5, 10,25, 50 or more for this.  Now you could say it is my own fault because I have given some money for various candidates and causes but come on, I am on a fixed income and to be showered with these emails is getting very annoying.
Have you ever stopped to think what good all that money could do?  Karl Rove is raising over $400,000,000.00 dollars to give to Republican candidates.  Yes that is four hundred million dollars.  So the Democrats obviously want to reach or surpass that amount so they can stay competitive.  This is insane that so much money is being spent by both parties.  My God we could begin to wipe out the deficit or feed millions of people with all of that money.  All of this is to try and buy an election and therefore achieve personal power.
We need to clean up the system so that our monies can be directed in more valuable ways.  Of course the powers that be in Washington will never support such a measure anymore than 100% of them would sign a pledge to clean up corruption in Washington.  They like it this way!
So my friends it is time to out the pressure on candidates and elected officials to change the way the system works.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Corruption, Corruption Everywhere

The news this week that we are bailing out Afghanistan's bank is very distressing!  We cannot even get our own house in order and now we are going to bail out a bank that is failing because of the very corrupt society that it functions in.
We tolerate corruption in our own society and now we are asking our service men and women to give their lives trying to improve a corrupt society that we can never change.   Only the Afghan people can change that.
It is time for us to get out of Afghanistan and bring our people home.  Then we can use the money to help those in our society that are suffering because the government has not cared enough to make sure that our own economy improves.
150 legislators in Washington have signed a pledge to fight corruption in Washington.  It is time to clean up our house before we attempt to clean up another government's dirty house.
I am so disappointed with the Democrats who seem to have lost their backbone.  They are just letting the Republicans steamroll them and if you think we are in big trouble now just wait until they try to repeal health care, cut social security and medicare and extend tax cuts for the rich.  Our government is run by the corporate lobbyists and believe me that is corruption at its highest level.  The only bright hope is the President Obama will have the guts to veto such legislation if it ever gets to him.
This is one very liberal Democrat who is disillusioned that our own party could not stand together to get things done because they are just as corrupt as the Republicans!