Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Letter to our Senators

Again I am writing to our Senators in the hopes that they will do the right thing and support meaningful health care reform that covers all people. In this country of riches and bounty it is disgusting that we cannot care for all of our people. To have over 40,000 people die just because they cannot get health care makes this government akin to murderers. It is time to bite the bullet and pass meaningful legislation not something that will satisfy the insurance industry.
Dear Senators, Snow and Collins,
I am urging you to support meaningful health care reform with a strong public option and no Stupak amendment. Every American deserves to have as good health care as you enjoy and the majority of Americans support the so-called public option. You have government run health care and so do I through Medicare. Let's give everyone the choice.
This Sunday Bill Nemitz had a wonderful and very moving though very depressing article on the poverty in Washington and Hancock counties. These are your constituents! They have to choose between food and medicine, whether or not to heat their homes so they surely don't have the money to pay for health care.
We can afford to fund two wars that were started with lies but we cannot afford to feed and care for our own people. Something is terribly wrong with this picture. So forget about the insurance companies who are playing politics with our health care for their own greed and profit and vote for the people this time.

Somehow I doubt that you will do the right thing. I hope you prove me wrong.

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