Friday, January 23, 2009

Three Days Later

Well, I don't know how you feel, but still three days after Barack Obama's inauguration I am still hopeful and energetic. I can't wait to hear what the new president is doing each day even though the stock market is tanking AGAIN or should I say STILL. So far it seems like he is at least trying to get us back on moral and legal ground.
How long will this feeling last?
Already there are members of Congress who will be roadblockers. I think especially of John Boehner, Conservative Republication from Ohio. His state is one that has lost many jobs and industries and yet he will be one of the worst members of Congress in bucking anything that this new administration tries to do. I wish he and Mitch McConnell would heed President Obama's advice to put away childish things. This means, to me, that everyone needs to grow up and work together. Unfortunately, I fear that partisan politics is still alive and well in Washington, D.C.
Partisan politics do not serve the people very well. It will always be a fact and I agree that there needs to be debate but not animosity and hatefulness.
All I know is that the economy needs help, jobs need to be created, peace needs to be reached in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistani issues need to be solved and we can't have a bunch of sore losers delaying the solving of these problems.

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