Thursday, July 30, 2009

Let's Stop Playing Politics With People's Lives

I feel like a broken record! I seem to be consumed with anxiety about what the Congress will do with Health Care Reform. I am tired of the Republicans doing nothing but running ads and making statements that spread lies and scare tactics about everything from race, the economy, health care and other issues but do nothing constructive.

What follows is my most recent communication with Senators Collins and Snowe. I know I would like more people to get involved and communicate with their elected official and I also know that I am being unrealistic. I don't think it is because people don't care, although that is true of many, but they can't expend the energy and are hopeless. I am the type of person that cannot give up the fight and I am always hopeful that I can help affect change that will help folks. That is always my basic premise for the issues that I support. Unfortunately money from the rich and powerful most always wins!

Anyway here is the letter. Join me if you can.

Dear Senators Snowe and Collins.

I am begging and pleading with you to support the public option as part of health care reform. It is the only wat to protect the people of this country from the immoral practices of the insurance companies.

Also, if you support taking away S-Chip which covers 11 million children it will be one of the most immoral acts ever committed. This is a country that professes to love their children but we ruin their health care, their education, allow them to go to bed hungry and that is not loving or caring for the children.

Also you should be trying stop the the members of your party from spreading lies and scare tactics to the people on the health care and economy when they have been responsible for the breakdown of our economy by supporting the Bush policies and illegal activities.

Priscilla Payne
Windham, Maine 04062

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