Friday, March 27, 2009

The Obama Budget and Our Senators

I am really upset with our Senators from Maine. While neither has made a public statement about how they will vote on the Obama budget, each has made statements that they are not supportive of the priorities in the budget.
First of all how can they vote against health care for all Americans when they have the very best health care plan paid for by us the taxpayers? Not only do they have it while they are in the Senate but they have it for life. Many of the people who are paying for their health care are not covered at all. They have no conscience at all in my mind if they do not support this health care plan.
Then there is the energy and environmental aspects of the budget. Since 1973 when the last energy crisis happened, we did not learn our lesson. The Republicans have been in power for a good portion of that time and have done nothing to solve the energy problem. Now that we have a proposal that would not only help us become energy independent but would create thousands of jobs they might not support this.
Now we come to education. The educational standing of the State of Maine continues to fall. The drop out rate has increased and fewer students go on to college because of the expense involved. If Senators Snowe and Collins really want to support their constituents they will support the educational portion of the budget.
Neither Senator will commit to supporting making the middle class tax cuts permanent. They will however support tax cuts for the wealthiest 5%. Where is the fairness in this? 25 hedge fund managers made 11.6 billion dollars in 2008 and will only pay a tax rate of 15% because of loopholes in the tax code. A person making $40,000.00 will pay a higher tax rate on their income than these very wealthy people. There are serious problems with our very complicated tax code and it needs to be addressed.
Why are we so afraid to make things fair in this country? Anyway, I have called the offices of Senators Snowe and Representative Pingree to urge them to support the Obama budget. I hope you will join me and make those calls.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Fury of the American People

The people of this country are outraged at the fact that AIG and CitiBank and others have taken taxpayer dollars in bailout money and have awarded enormous bonuses and are redecorating offices, building baseball stadiums, sponsoring golf tournaments and heaven only knows what else.
There is anger about the money but the anger goes much deeper than that. It is the immorality and greed that hits at the very soul of the people. These corporations that have brought down our economy are basically thumbing their noses at the American people. Do they really think that we are that stupid that we won’t notice?
New York Times columnist, David Brooks, wrote the following in his column of March 2, 2009.
“The U.S. has never been a society riven by resentment. Yet the Obama budget is predicated on a class divide. The president issued a read-my-lips pledge that no new burdens will fall on 95 percent of the American people. All the costs will be borne by the rich and all benefits redistributed downward.”
Where has David Brooks been that he does not realize that there is class resentment and always has been.? It has been getting deeper over the last eight years when the burden of supporting this country’s programs has fallen on the middle class. Does he really believe that the poor are not resentful at the way they have been and are treated?
Certainly the wealthy have tax loopholes that none of us have. Corporations have taken their businesses off shore to avoid paying U.S. taxes. They have also taken their jobs off shore and left the people here jobless.
People who have had a decent standard of living are now living in tent cities or on the streets because of job losses and subprime mortgages that have forced well meaning people and their children onto the streets.
Journalists and Republicans can’t wait to criticize President Obama and his administration when Congress passed the TARP and the Bush Administration gave the money away with no restrictions. Where is the outrage over that? Our Congress is as much to blame as anyone. All of this has not happened since January 20, 2009. It has been coming on for years and no one and I mean NO ONE cared enough to do anything about it and believe me there were people in power who knew what was going on but as always greed ruled.
This situation needs to be rectified with more regulation and honest people to oversee all areas of government. Are there any honest people left in Washington? It will take a miracle to convince me that they are truly looking out for us, the American people.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Save The Date - April 3, 2009

Town Hall Meeting - There is a Town Hall Meeting April 3rd at Hannaford Hall at USM Portland 6:30 - that sounds really interesting. Below is a copy of a letter written by Sally Breen of Windham regarding the meeting. I plan to attend this meeting and will share information for those of you who might not attend.

"Town Hall Meeting

Below is a letter to the editor that will be published this Friday in the Windham Independent. I thought you would like to know about this Town Meeting, and I hope you will attend.
February 25, 2009
To the Editor:
Our state and nation are at a historic crossroads. The deepening recession has eroded the financial standing and optimism of a majority of Americans, nearly 2/3 of whom say that they have been hurt by the downturn. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost in recent weeks.
With the new administration, there is hope that we can close the divide between the rich and the poor. There is hope that we can address the energy crisis. There is hope that we can have a health care system that provides care for every citizen. There is hope that we can address the looming environmental crisis.
But hope alone leaves us hopeless. Therefore, knowing that change always comes from the people, a group representing 45 organizations, has organized a Town Hall Meeting for Friday, April 3, 2009 at Hannaford Hall on the USM Campus in Portland. Doors will open at 6:30 where tables of literature will be available. The program is scheduled from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Speakers confirmed are Representative Chellie Pingree, and State representative Hannah Pingree. Others invited are Representative Michael Michaud, and Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Microphones will be available for the audience to discuss their concerns.
Important future actions will be determined at this meeting. It can affect how our legislators vote on state and national issues. Attend and let your voice be heard.
Sally A. Breen"

The Stimulus and You

Since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus package) it has become vital for all of us to keep track of where this money is going. It is our tax dollars after all so we have a vested interest in how the money is spent. There are two websites that are very important in keeping track of the flow of money. The most comprehensive site is the federal site There is a great deal of information there. You can read the entire bill, see the breakdown of how the money will be spent, a timeline showing progress, the ability to tell your recovery story and each state's progress and resources.
The State of Maine also has created a website that will allow us to know how the money allocated to Maine is being spent. Right now there are a number of documents giving beginning information as to how the funds are to be used and different reports that will be required. That site is
Another site that was sent to me by a friend that details the "shovel ready" projects submitted by mayors of major cities in the report of the 2008 National Mayors Conference. The mayors of Portland and Lewiston submitted 72 projects for consideration. This site is
This site is interesting as it allows interested viewers of the site to vote on how important they feel the project is and it also allows viewers to comment on the projects.
So keep informed and check out the sites and see how your money is being spent.