Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Health Care Reform and The Public Option

The question that boggles my mind is why would anyone not want to support health care reform that includes a public option? Do these Senators and Representatives want to deny millions of Americans the same quality of life that they enjoy at taxpayer expense? Don’t they realize that m72% of Americans want a public option. They hardly ever listen to the people and they surely do not give us credit for our intelligence and our compassion for those who do not enjoy the same health benefits that so many of us have.
One reason that pops up for me is that they have all received so much money from the healthcare industry. For example, Susan Collins of Maine had received over $750 million dollars in campaign contributions from the healthcare industry. So is she going to sell out her constituents in order to pay back contributors? Now she is just one example. If one goes to http://www.opensecrets.org/ you can find out that information on any legislator.
Donations from the Health Care industry to a few of the top leadership people in the Senate follow
Mitch McConnell (R) - $696,450.00
Harry Reid (D) - $282,150.00
John Kyl ( R ) - $651, 883.00
Now maybe you can see why some Senators do not support the public option?
People, if healthcare reform is going to happen we need to get involved.

Dr. Howard Dean now has over 350,000 signatures that he will deliver to Congress this coming Thursday. You can add your signature by going to the site http://standwithdrdean.com/
Let’s make reform happen for the people of this country.

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