Thursday, May 7, 2009

Christians or People Who Profess to Be Christian

Yesterday I took a daytrip to Vermont with a good friend and this morning I had coffee with another good friend. During both times the conversations eventually veered towards the political realm. Yesterday was the day that we were all waiting to see if Governor Baldacci would sign the law legalizing gay marriage and he did! Good for him. We were also talking about the immorality of the banks and credit card companies and how hard folks are having it right now.
Then I came home and found that the Christian right and the Catholic Church are going to organize for a people's veto of the Gay Marriage bill. It made me wonder just how serious these people are about their faith. They profess their belief in God and follow Jesus the Son of God or so they say. But do they really? I was brought up to believe that we worship a God who loves us unconditionally. I was also taught that Jesus surrounded himself with the poor, the needy, the lost and the sinner. He talked with the prostitutes and the adulterers, He ministered to the sick and lame and forgave all sinners. In other words He treated all people equally.
So I have a real problem with people calling themselves Christian and then doing things that go against the very things that Jesus taught.
One person called in to a local TV station and even said that being gay is a choice. I have very good friends and family members who are gay. Believe me, I do not believe that they or anyone would choose that life style when I have witnessed the discrimination, the hurt and hatred that has plagued them. This caller even said that 50% of their marriages would end in divorce and that they needed to choose wisely. Hello! The same statistic is true of heteorsexual marriages and we have sure not all learned the lesson of choosing wisely and honoring our commitments to one another.
I do think the world is changing and I am hopeful that more and more people are becoming more open to learning about and becoming more accepting of all lifestyles, religions and races. I hope if this people's referendum becomes reality that it can be soundly defeated and put the issue to rest once and for all.
For me personally I hope that my friends can now enjoy the same legal rights that I have had the privilege of and that the world can become a more tolerant place for all people. I thank the legislators and Governor Baldacci for having the courage to stand up and do the right thing by passing and signing this legislation.

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