Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Fury of the American People

The people of this country are outraged at the fact that AIG and CitiBank and others have taken taxpayer dollars in bailout money and have awarded enormous bonuses and are redecorating offices, building baseball stadiums, sponsoring golf tournaments and heaven only knows what else.
There is anger about the money but the anger goes much deeper than that. It is the immorality and greed that hits at the very soul of the people. These corporations that have brought down our economy are basically thumbing their noses at the American people. Do they really think that we are that stupid that we won’t notice?
New York Times columnist, David Brooks, wrote the following in his column of March 2, 2009.
“The U.S. has never been a society riven by resentment. Yet the Obama budget is predicated on a class divide. The president issued a read-my-lips pledge that no new burdens will fall on 95 percent of the American people. All the costs will be borne by the rich and all benefits redistributed downward.”
Where has David Brooks been that he does not realize that there is class resentment and always has been.? It has been getting deeper over the last eight years when the burden of supporting this country’s programs has fallen on the middle class. Does he really believe that the poor are not resentful at the way they have been and are treated?
Certainly the wealthy have tax loopholes that none of us have. Corporations have taken their businesses off shore to avoid paying U.S. taxes. They have also taken their jobs off shore and left the people here jobless.
People who have had a decent standard of living are now living in tent cities or on the streets because of job losses and subprime mortgages that have forced well meaning people and their children onto the streets.
Journalists and Republicans can’t wait to criticize President Obama and his administration when Congress passed the TARP and the Bush Administration gave the money away with no restrictions. Where is the outrage over that? Our Congress is as much to blame as anyone. All of this has not happened since January 20, 2009. It has been coming on for years and no one and I mean NO ONE cared enough to do anything about it and believe me there were people in power who knew what was going on but as always greed ruled.
This situation needs to be rectified with more regulation and honest people to oversee all areas of government. Are there any honest people left in Washington? It will take a miracle to convince me that they are truly looking out for us, the American people.

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