Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Stupidist Thing!!!

Tonight on the evening news on Channel 6, WCSH, one of the lead stories was about the Department of Marine Resources laying off the two scientists being laid off.  These two have the responsibility of testing the coastal waters for half the State of Maine.  This is what keeps our clam flats and other shellfish safe.  This is nor just about money but about food safety.  It is also about an industry that could go under if the flats are closed due to lack of testing as required by the federal government.
We all have heard about the illnesses caused by people eating shellfish contaminated by Red Tide.  There is also pollution of other types caused by us, the people, who use the resources in a negligent way.  There are also other bacteria that can make people sick and wipe out a natural resource.
We have been reading and hearing about the ecoli outbreak that began in Germany.  It is the height of stupidity to cut positions that ensure the safety of our food and that protects a profitable industry.
I drive by construction sites and see a half dozen workers just standing around doing nothing at our expense yet we cut what I consider to be a vital job.
Wake Up Augusta and remember who you work for and make sure that our food and businesses are protected.

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