Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Sluggish Economy

I find it utterly amazing that the Republicans think they have an issue to campaign on since the economy is not rebounding as we had hoped.  I say Boehner, Where are the jobs?  The Congress and the President have given huge tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans in the excuse that they (the wealthy) would be creating the jobs,  Obviously that has not happened.
They have also voted to keep giving the oil companies big subsidies while the consumer is paying for it at the pump AND with their tax dollars.  Food prices are rising yet they are cutting monies for food stamps and many families are now dependent on those and food pantries to feed their families.
When will the Republicans admit that they got us into this mess by putting us into two wars and allowing the banks and Wall Street to be corrupt.  They squandered a nice surplus and put us into this deficit.
When will the mainstream media begin to make them be accountable for their actions.  Now I realize that the Obama administration  carries some responsibility in all of this but when you look at job growth and growth in the economy it is a complete change for the better from the Bush administration.
Unfortunately the  mainstream media is too focused on every sex scandal they can find to pay attention to what is really happening in this country.  There are few good journalists who really look into the truth any more.
As I have posted before Congress really does not care about the people but about collecting the most money from some big lobbyist or corporation so they can get reelected to continue the corruption that now exits.  And then they say trust us to do what is right!  Well, not me!  I don't trust them at all.

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