Monday, June 13, 2011

Have You Had Enough???

I have!  Why does the media make such a big thing about politicians and their peccadilloes?  We already know so many of them are corrupt and obviously sick!  I do not need to know all the details about Anthony Weiner's penis, Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child, John Edward's secret affair, Jim Vitter's madam scandal, Mark Sanford's affair and on and on.  Then we have to listen to the Casey Anthony story.  Do you know how many children are killed each day and no one cares?  We focus too much on the lives of celebrities  and athletes as though they are the most important people in the world when often they are just a bunch of overpaid egomaniacs who set very poor examples for our children.
In my opinion there are so many more important things going on like the failing economy and why isn't Congress focusing on jobs instead of trying to get rid of Medicare and privatize Social Security?   Why don't we hear more about the foreclosure issues and how many service men and women are facing foreclosure on their homes while they are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Let's talk about the citizen's deep unrest with continuing the war in Afghanistan and throwing away money that could be used to create jobs here in America.
I am deeply disappointed in Weiner as he was one person who spoke out against what was wrong and seemed to care about the people.  I sure hope someone takes his place in speaking out.  Was he over the top sometimes?  Yes, but that is often what it takes to get the point across.  That being said I am still stating that we do not need to know the gory details and I sure wish we could make the press realize that most of us do not care about these issues but about the greater issues that need to be focused on.

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