Friday, December 19, 2008

War Crimes Continued

As I was riding the Concord Trailways bus from Portland to Boston and back, I began thinking more about the whole issue of war crimes that have occured in the Bush Administration. I wonder if there is anyone left who has the courage to actually take this on and go for prosecution of very highly placed government officials. Is there anyone in elected or appointed office who really wants to endanger their chances of getting re-elected or holding on to their appointments by moving forward with this issue?

As John Dean said last night on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, the statute of limitations is running out and this is probably what Dick Cheney and George Bush want. Also what has happened to our justice system when people who are issued supoenas refuse to show up in court? You and I know that if one of us did that we would suffer the consequences but people in power seem to just get away with it.

It is strange to me that people who profess to be Christians and to be patriotic Americans can flaunt the laws of the land like so many do. Let us hope that under new leadership we can bring back respect for our constitution and for the laws that govern our behavior. Power really does corrupt.

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