Today Dr. Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winning economist, writes in the New York Times about the necessity of the Obama Presidency to present a squeaky clean government with honest overseers. Here is the link to the article
Krugman uses the example set by FDR as he worked to bring us out of another economic crisis. I agree with all of the ideas stated by Krugman and hope that the Obama Transition Team reads it and heeds the advice.
On the other hand, I am wondering if it is now possible to have a squeaky clean government. While I am usually an optomist I have to admit to letting a bit of pessimisim creep in to my psyche. I see so much corruption and greed that comes from the misuse of power that it is hard for me to imagine that there are enough really honest people who can oversee projects to make certain that they are worthwhile and completed without ripping off the American taxpayer.
I see our elected officials still wanting pork in every bill and I see them closing a blind eye to corruption as they have done during the Iraq War. Billions of dollars have been squandered by companies like Haliburton and Blackwater and Congress (both Republicans and Democrats) have done nothing about seeing that the American taxpayer gets any retribution or return of funds.
The saddest part of some of this corruption is that our troops, who have been subjected to being served (??) by companies like Haliburton, have been the ones to suffer. Polluted water has been delivered to their showers. Meals have been served at times when the enemy could depend on the troops being in one place so they could take advantage of them. These are just two examples out of many that shows the lengths companies will go to steal from us. The immorality of these actions is mind boggling.
So, after this long rampage, the question is " Is it possible to be squeaky clean again?" I am more than willing to give the Obama presidency time and a chance to prove this but we must be on our toes to call them into accountability when and if they betray our trust.
Friday, December 26, 2008
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