Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Medical Profession

I am feeling as though I need to express my frustration with the medical profession. While this does not include all physicians it seems to be an increasing problem. I am referring to the amount of time takes for doctors offices to return calls. This can be for scheduling appointments or informing the patient of test results. or many other reasons. I have to say that my doctor is really good about getting back to me but I know of three instances in my immediate circle of family and friends where this is a problem.

I consider this to be very rude and uncaring. When a person has a medical condition they are anxious and want to know what treatment is going to be prescribed or what referrals are going to be made.

Then there is the situation at Intermed here in Portland. They have sent out a letter informing seniors that they will only accept Aetna as a supplemental insurance to Medicare. So that means that any senior who does not have Aetna as a supplemental either must pick up the medical cost or find another doctor in a different practice. This is a discriminating practice and surely does not have the best interest of the patient at heart. It is all about money. Let's hope for some Universal Health Care where this type of discrimination is not allowed.

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