Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It is a terrible feeling to be betrayed by the very people who are elected to serve us and listen to us.  We are betrayed on many fronts.
First ,we are betrayed by our President who  many of us helped to elect by donating hard earned money, making phone calls and getting out and going door to door.  He has promised to protect the working class people, to preserve social security, medicare and medicaid.  But in his recent budget proposal he has gone back on his word by advocating for the chained CPI to figure social security benefits.  This will hurt not only seniors but some of our veterans who and their dependents who rely on those benefits after being killed or maimed defending our country.  All in all his budget will hurt more middle class folks and leave the rich happy.
Then when 90% of the country wants to see stricter gun control the senate will probably not pass simple legislation for background checks which could keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill or criminals.  Their ratings with the NRA and their  monetary contributions are more important than saving the life of even one child or perhaps helping to avoid another mass murder.  They no longer feel accountable to the people just to the big money donors and corporations.
Another betrayal or I should say theft of the taxpayers money is the fact that they will take off 239 days this year and work only 126 days.  We are paying these folks big money and not getting any value for it.  They have lifetime pensions, health insurance, cut rate manicures and haircuts, a gym, a dining room and many other perks.  Any American would love to have some of those perks.  This is robbery of the taxpayers money.
They talk a big game about jobs but have we seen one real jobs bill come out of Congress yet?  NO!  They care little for the American people and the hardships they are suffering.
We are also betrayed by the mainstream media who will spend hours complaining about why the President did not use the word terror when speaking about the horrible tragedy in Boston but then fail to bring the elected officials into accountability over how much time they will work or how they have forgotten the American people.  It is as if we, the people, no longer exist.
I could go on and on but for what purpose?  It is wrong how our elected officials act and it is conundrum as to how to fix what is so broken.

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