Thursday, December 26, 2013


Last night I stayed up way past my bedtime to watch the movie You've Got Mail.  How many of us remember the day of AOL and awaited the message "You've Got Mail"?  I know I did.  Every time I watch that movie I take away something that makes me think.
If you have never seen it you should watch it.  It is not only a nice and unique love story but there are some very good issues in it.  Meg Ryan as Kathleen Kelly owns a lovely bookstore in New York City and Tom Hanks as Joe Fox of FOX Books are adversaries.  Fox Books puts Kelly's bookstore Shop Around the Corner out of business by moving into the same neighborhood and building a huge discount book store.  Does this remind you of Borders (now gone), Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Books A Million?  How many small independent bookstores have been put out of business by these retail giants?
This also applies to other Big Box stores like Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart and others.  How many small businesses have gone by the wayside because of these giants?
What is the point of all this you might ask.  Just look at this movie and see the personal touch and the knowledge of books that is given in The Shop Around the Corner.  Then go to FOX Books and see how the people working there have very little knowledge of the books and authors they are selling.  Just think what we have lost.  We have lost the sense of community that can be built when we develop relationships with the people in shops.
Last winter I needed window washing fluid for my car.  I went to the local Aubuchon dealer and yes, I know it is also a national chain but is owned or franchised by locals in small stores.  After I bought the fluid the young man at the counter said let me fill your fluid in the car.  Now that would never happen at Lowe's or Home Depot or Walmart.  Small stores bring a caring and a desire for good customer service that these big stores do not have.  They only care about the bottom line.
When I grew up in Acton, MA we used to shop in Maynard and there was a variety of small stores and I especially remember a small clothing store.  I think it was called Beryl's.  She know her customers so well that when my mother went in she would say, "Ruth, I think I have just the thing for you."  Can you see that happening in many places today? No, we have to go through racks and racks of stuff that has no appeal and no one who cares a damn about what you might want or need.
Today here in my little corner of Maine there is a new small shop in Gorham called Carter's Green Market.  They carry lots of local products and when I go in that store I feel welcomed and they know who I am and we share cooking ideas and other small snippets of information and I feel at home there. It is unusual to find that anywhere today.  I sure hope the local folks appreciate what they have and support them.
A few years ago there was a book written called Bowling Alone and it is about how disconnected we as a society have become.  It talked about places where you can find community and it sure was not in the Walmart's of the world but in small places like libraries and other places where people gather to find community.
Our culture has so separated people that one can feel very alone even when surrounded by lots of people.  So when you get an opportunity to shop visit the small local places like Nonesuch Books in South Portland, Terra Cotta Pasta in South Portland, Molly's Cupcakes in North Windham or Carter's Green Market in Gorham and you will find a welcoming smile and helpful folks to assist you and appreciate your business.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I am so distraught about the new cuts to the food stamp program.  How can anyone live with themselves knowing that millions of children go to bed at night hungry?  How can we live with ourselves knowing that not only children but adults and seniors go to bed hungry?  How can we live with ourselves knowing that millions of seniors are being taken off Meals on Wheels?
Here is a little story about Meals on Wheels.  I was so upset that seniors were losing one meal a week that I called the local chapter to see what ordinary citizens could do to help out.  The woman I spoke to told me, in a very cold way, that due to regulations they could not accept food from us.  I even offered to have my kitchen inspected.  I told her that here in my neighborhood we could supply all the desserts they needed and she told me that they were cutting back to one cookie a day!  Now to us that cookie may not be important but to a senior living alone that cookie may be the highlight of their day.  She also said I would need to get in touch with someone who had more authority.  I was disgusted.  We are told by some in government that individuals and churches need to take up the slack but when one tries to do so we are not allowed due to "regulations".  Does anyone realize how important those meals are to the seniors?  It is not only the food that is important but the connection with another human being who delivers their food and stops to have a word or two with that person.
How can we make our elected representatives understand just how these cuts affect the people they are supposed to represent?  How can we get the public to rise up and complain about these cuts?  We sit in our comfortable homes, well dressed, well fed with all of our  smart phones and wide screen TV's and other luxuries and do nothing!  Aren't we supposed to be our brother's keeper?  Aren't we supposed to feed and clothe those less fortunate than ourselves?  Doesn't our government have a responsibility to see that its citizens are fed, clothed and healthy?
We have 1% of our society that have so much money and then a huge proportion of people who have little or nothing.  Here in Portland we have seniors in homeless shelters and the shelters are full to overflowing.  Something needs to be done.  How are we to accomplish this?
Now the House of Representatives is talking about a long vacation as there isn't much to do.  What are they thinking?  There is a lot to do and we are paying them good money.  I say take their pay away and give it to the programs that have need and then end the sequester cuts that are hurting so many.  No one is talking about the sequester.  Does anyone really care?  How can any representative or senator go home and look those people in the eye and see the eyes of those who are hungry and discouraged and not want to act to help them?  I do not have the answers but I do know that unless the people rise up and demand change it will not happen.
So won't you join me in hounding our legislatures to fix these critical problems?  Or will you choose to sit at home and ignore the existence of the plight of the poor, the unemployed, the disabled and the children?  That is the choice that faces us.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


I don't know about any of you but when I was in the 7th grade (that was many years ago!) we had the most wonderful teacher, Ray J. Gray, and he taught Civics.  Mr. Gray was a short round man with chipmunk cheeks and while we all laughed at him at times we all came to love him.  We learned all about how government works and the power of the vote.  He was passionate about this topic.
When our class had its 50th reunion the group that I hung out with all were there and we shared life experiences and then talked about school.  Each and everyone of us talked about Mr. Gray and the impact he had on our lives.  We all acknowledged that we never miss an election and the opportunity to make our voices heard.  This is the impact that a good teacher can have.
I believe that passion for Civics and the power of our voices is missing in our schools.  We took that class for one half of the year and the other half was Geography.  How many kids now know what is east and west of the Mississippi or what the state capitals are and where the states are located?  How many kids understand how important it is to become a lifelong voter and to participate in the government at a local, state or national level.  Does anyone really care anymore?  If they don't care then we are in bigger trouble than I thought.
I could go on and one about what I believe should be taught in schools but that would take a book!!
Speaking of books, the title of this post comes from a new book written by Scott Reich titled The Power of Citizenship.  He takes off from the words by John F. Kennedy.  "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."  How can we make those words come to life for today's young people?  We need to try.  While I have not read Reich's book I am ordering it.  I saw him interviewed and he exhibits the same passion that Mr. Gray did for the power of citizenship.
Mr. Gray passed on a few years ago but his memory and passion stayed with at least 20 of us and I suspect many more too and continues on today.  In that small group of people who gathered many are bloggers or journalists or have important jobs but all are active in some way in the political process.
I wish for our students and other young people to be imbued with that same passion as I believe that is the only way we can save our democracy.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Well the government shutdown and debt ceiling crises is over.  At least it is over for another three months when I am sure we will go through the same thing again.  It was totally unnecessary!
Unfortunately the likes of Ted Cruz and his cohorts as well as the spineless Speaker of the House John Boehner relish actions like this.  They care nothing for what the American people want.  They do not mind hurting hungry children, pregnant and nursing mother and babies as well as seniors who rely on Meals On Wheels.  They do not care that their actions could have hurt millions of retirees retirement money.
And the battles are already engaged.  Who does the House of representatives appoint to work on te Farm Bill which includes the food stamp program but the most anti food stamp person, Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL).  He would throw millions of needy folks off the food stamp program.  So that battle line is already engaged.  Why they will not appoint someone to work on a jobs program that will put people to back work is beyond my ken.  Putting people back to work would solve some of food stamp issue but these people have not even proposed a jobs program even though they say all the time JOBS JOBS JOBS.
The shutdown cost us the taxpayers an estimated 24 billion dollars but the Congress still got paid and for what?  Telling lies and more lies and sitting on their thumbs while keeping the nation in an uproar not knowing what would befall us.
There is a petition calling for the Justice Department to arrest leaders in the House for sedition!  I say go for it and get rid of them before they can do more harm.  In my last post I called them political terrorists and I still believe that and if we think it is over, think again!
It is such a joke to me that Senator Susan Collins is getting high marks for helping end the shutdown when she voted for it TWICE!  She talks out of both sides of her mouth and wants it both ways.
Well, we shall see where all this leads and hopefully reasonable people will prevail.

Monday, October 7, 2013


It is very hard to believe that Republicans are ready to let this nation default on its already budgeted items.  It isn't creating new expenditures.  It is paying for what we have already contracted for.  Boehner says he doesn't have the votes to avoid this but he does!!!  All he needs to do is bring a clean bill to the floor.  All he is worried about is his speakership.  He cares nothing for this country or its people.  I would call him and his cohorts political terrorists.
We are reading about the dire consequences of default and people are scared and I guess they should be.   This would be a global crisis that would devastate the global economy.  There is  no way to prepare for a crisis like this.
How can these supposedly intelligent men and women take this country to the brink.  They are so isolated from the world as they sit in their ivory tower in Washington still getting paid, having insurance and a safe secure retirement that they cannot even see what will happen to ordinary people like you and me.
Boehner should be scared too as he could not only lose his speakership but his seat in the House and I hope someone challenges him and brings out his cowardly ways.  He should be easy to beat although his district is probably one that is gerrymandered.
I am afraid that people will be so devastated and scared that there will be tragic consequences.  Someone is going to get hurt over this and someone already has.  An unarmed woman with a baby in her car was shot SIX times.  I think that is unnecessary.  They could have apprehended her instead.
It is a fact that Senator Susan Collins speaks out of both sides of her mouth.  She talks a good game about the dangers of a shutdown but voted with her party to go ahead with it. She needs to be voted out when this term expires.  She cannot be trusted to vote for the good of the people of Maine.
Well, we shall see how this all plays out but I am fearful about the outcome.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


It is so hard for me to believe the direction this government is taking.  How can so many people vote to cut 40 billion dollars from the food stamp program?  So many people depend on it for sustainability.  This is how they feed their kids.  They are not all slackers either.  Many have jobs at Walmart, MacDonald's or other big chains where the wages are not enough even to feed one person especially if they are trying to support a family and keep them in housing.
Eric Cantor who praised this bill and strongly supported it has 85,000 people in his district who are on food stamps.  Yet he voted to cut this program while never trying to get a jobs bill passed so that maybe more of his people could work.  Also some of the republicans who voted for this bill stand to gain thousand of dollars in farm subsidies.
"During the food stamp debate, GOP Rep. Stephen Fincher, who received thousands in farm subsidies, responded to a Democratic Congressman during the debate over the cuts by quoting the bible, saying “the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”Fincher himself has received his own large share of government money. From 1999 to 2012, Stephen & Lynn Fincher Farms received $3,483,824 in agriculture subsidies. Last year he took in $70,574 alone.
Another Republican congresswoman who voted to make cuts to the food stamp program was Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri. Her farm received more than $800,000 in Department of Agriculture subsidies from 1995-2012. In 2001, her farm received $135,482 in subsidies. 
Rep. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, who also voted to make cuts to the program, was a partner in Racota Valley Ranch, her family’s farm and previously had nearly a 17% stake through 2008. The farm received $3.4 million in subsidies from 1995-2012. The Environmental Working Group, which analyzes subsidy data, says the “estimated amount of subsidies attributed to Rep. Noem from 1995-2012 is $503,751.”
Rep. Marlin Stutzman, a Republican Rep. from Indiana also received his fair share of government subsidies. He personally took in nearly $200,000 for the farm he co-owns with his father."
They use words from the Bible to support their actions.  Well, there are plenty of words in the Bible that tell us to take care of the poor and needy.  I am tired of people who profess to be Christians but act in unchristianly ways.  Now the new Pope Francis says we need to take care of the poor and he lives like he believes it.
I believe that many of these people are true hypocrites.  Take from the poor and fill my own pockets as well as those of my biggest donors is their philosophy.  They care nothing for their own constituents because they think those who are poor will not vote.  Well we need to prove them wrong!
A millionaire Georgia Republican even whined that $172,000.00 was not enough money  for working 126 days.when the median income in his state is approximately $49,000.00.  What a nerve and he is also estimated to be worth between 3 and 7 million.
We need to find a way to make some serious changes in who represents the people in this country because neither party is doing a very good job of it.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I am sick and tired of old white mostly Republican men trying to rule women's bodies!  When a man can get pregnant then maybe they will have a clue!  While I personally do not feel that I could have an abortion I sure want the choice in case of rape or health issues and I want all women to be able to make that decision with their doctor in the privacy of his or her office.
Not only are these men anti abortion they are also anti women's health.  Planned Parenthood does a lot more than abortions.  In fact abortions are a very small part of what they do.  They do screening for other women's health issues such a breast cancer, STD's and other health issues.  To defund them is taking away some very basic health care for many women.
In the process of passing these laws that are anti abortion they make very inaccurate statements and some of them are doctors who should know better.  I wonder where they went to medical school?  But to talk about "accurate intercourse" being the only way to get pregnant  is ridiculous.  Passing a bill meant to be about sharia law and tacking anti abortion laws onto it is a very sneaky way to do this so the public does not know what is really going on. Oh and when you are raped the body can shut down so that you don't get pregnant!  What a bunch of crap!  Then when they sign a bill the pictures show all white men and no women.  I am repulsed by this behavior!
Do these men have mothers, wives, daughters, sisters?  Do they honor them or just want them to be submissive.  Do they care about their health?  The old saying "keep them barefoot and pregnant" sure has more meaning today!
The other issue surrounding this is that while they want no abortions they refuse to take care of these babies after they are born.  They cut WIC, food stamps and health care for the poor.  Many of these children are born to single mothers or those in poverty who do have the funds to care for them but then government is too big and need to cut essential services.  So have kids who go to bed hungry, have little shelter or clothing but we don't care what happens after the child is born.  So as long as you have that baby we will be happy!
It is time for not only women but men to really rise up and show they care about their women and their health and the future of their children.
Here these men are talking about the government becoming too big and being a "nanny state" when they want to control our bedrooms and our health.   That is being pretty invasive!  It is time to vote these old white men out of office!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


It seems like the traditional war hawks are at it again.  Senators like Lindsay Graham and John McCain are beating the drums of war again.  While the crisis in Syria is terrible we do  not need to be in another unpaid war.  Nor do we need to be sending troops to that country. We still have troops in Afghanistan.  Look at the mess Iraq is after we have basically destroyed that country.    Let's not kid ourselves.  There are some situations that we cannot solve.  We are not the world police.
We should be trying every possibility to avoid having our troops on the the ground.  Haven't we lost enough young men and women in combat.  Why should we want to try again?  We should be working with the United Nations and NATO to be sure that we are not in this alone.
We have enough problems right here at home that need to be dealt with but where are our elected officials?  Home on vacation AGAIN!
People it is time to speak up and try and prevent another armed conflict.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Letter to Susan Collins

I am absolutely furious that the senate and house could make exceptions to the FAA budget and not fix the things that help the elderly, pregnant women and children.  I am so frustrated with our government. We are being betrayed every day.  I could ramble on and on about all the things that I think are wrong but for today I will just post the letter I sent to one of my senators.

Dear Senator Collins,
I am actually appalled that you could fix the FAA situation that occurred under the sequester just because a few people were delayed.  I also respect that all of the employees will now not have to be furloughed.  But how could you fix this and not fix other things like the cuts to Meals on Wheels where the elderly depend on that food.  Still you support kicking kids out of headstart, cutting nutritional programs that help pregnant women and little children.  What about the long term unemployed?  I know several and they beat the streets every day looking for a job that will help them support their families.  There are none to be had.  What ever happened to a jobs bill?

The priorities of this country are totally screwed up.  We have always sought to help those who have the greatest need.  But no more. You in Washington are all so disconnected from the real life of your constituents. The heart and soul of this country and of its government has been ripped away by devotion to big business and corporate interests and to the wealthy who are certainly not creating any jobs.

You want to balance the budget and cut the deficit that you had a huge part in creating well, cut the subsidies to big oil, big pharma and big agriculture and close the tax loop holes that allow companies making huge profits to pay 0 income tax.  If I didn't pay I would end up in jail.

For God's sake think of the average people here in your own state and begin to represent them.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It is a terrible feeling to be betrayed by the very people who are elected to serve us and listen to us.  We are betrayed on many fronts.
First ,we are betrayed by our President who  many of us helped to elect by donating hard earned money, making phone calls and getting out and going door to door.  He has promised to protect the working class people, to preserve social security, medicare and medicaid.  But in his recent budget proposal he has gone back on his word by advocating for the chained CPI to figure social security benefits.  This will hurt not only seniors but some of our veterans who and their dependents who rely on those benefits after being killed or maimed defending our country.  All in all his budget will hurt more middle class folks and leave the rich happy.
Then when 90% of the country wants to see stricter gun control the senate will probably not pass simple legislation for background checks which could keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill or criminals.  Their ratings with the NRA and their  monetary contributions are more important than saving the life of even one child or perhaps helping to avoid another mass murder.  They no longer feel accountable to the people just to the big money donors and corporations.
Another betrayal or I should say theft of the taxpayers money is the fact that they will take off 239 days this year and work only 126 days.  We are paying these folks big money and not getting any value for it.  They have lifetime pensions, health insurance, cut rate manicures and haircuts, a gym, a dining room and many other perks.  Any American would love to have some of those perks.  This is robbery of the taxpayers money.
They talk a big game about jobs but have we seen one real jobs bill come out of Congress yet?  NO!  They care little for the American people and the hardships they are suffering.
We are also betrayed by the mainstream media who will spend hours complaining about why the President did not use the word terror when speaking about the horrible tragedy in Boston but then fail to bring the elected officials into accountability over how much time they will work or how they have forgotten the American people.  It is as if we, the people, no longer exist.
I could go on and on but for what purpose?  It is wrong how our elected officials act and it is conundrum as to how to fix what is so broken.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


In doing research about the 112th Congress I was appalled to see how few days they actually were in session.  The House of Representatives was in session 153 days and the Senate 149.  (  Why are we paying them so  much money?  Think what a business would do if they were only open that many days.  Think of the impact it would have on workers if they only worked that many days.  We would be in an even bigger mess than we are now.
I find it hard to believe that their hatred of Barack Obama is so great that they will bring this country to the brink of collapse as they have done over and over again and it appears will do so in the future.  We are the laughing stock of the entire world and they just shake their heads in confusion and wonder how the United States has come to this impasse.  I have never seen a more uncaring, selfish and incalcitrant group of individuals  and I include both Democrats and Republicans in this category.
So many of them are millionaires that of course they want to protect themselves from paying higher taxes.  Why should anyone who is a loyal and faithful American be able to shelter their money out of the country so they do not have to pay taxes?
The 112th Congress got next to nothing done except to try and legislate women's bodies and take away the safety net for the poor and most vulnerable in our country.  They should be ashamed and I am angry that our tax dollars have gone to pay for such nonsense.
John Boehner and his cohorts are bullies and act like spoiled children.  They are not even willing to acknowledge that the President has already made 1.2 trillion dollars in cuts and they continue their lies. John Boehner says the sequester was the President's idea when his own power point presentation to his caucus shows it was his but the lies keep coming and the Democrats do not have the spine to stand up to them.  The Republicans refuse to accept any responsibility for getting us in this mess when they voted  for two unpaid wars, gave huge tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and did not do any oversight of financial institutions.  Well, the public has not forgotten!  It was our money that bailed out the banks and paid for excesses in government.
When are the people going to make enough noise so they pay attention to what the people want and need and stop playing their games of chicken month after month?

Friday, January 4, 2013


I have to laugh when I hear from the town council or the economic development director that Windham has it all!  I have written about this before but yesterday as I drove to Cape Elizabeth to pick up fresh eggs, new spinach, winter squash and a few other things  I drove by so many nice small establishments.
So what does Windham have?  It has practically every box store known to man.  It has more automobile repair shops per capita than almost any other town in Maine.  It has many empty store fronts .  It has Shaw's and Hannaford's.  Hannaford's smells like fish immediately as you enter the store.  It is also giving up many brands that customers have relied on for  a long time.
It has nice places like Molly's Cupcakes and the Seasons shops.  We need more places like that.  In South Portland you have Scratch Bakery, Terra Cotta Pasta and several nice small eating places.  In Portland you have Whole Foods and Trader Joe's as well as Big Sky Bakery.  In Scarborough there is the Cheese Iron and many small shops and restaurants.  Most of these places are in walkable neighborhoods and are nicely landscaped as these town have design standards.
You might ask why do I live here?  I came here because I could find affordable housing. What do I like about this town?  I love being involved in the Windham Community Garden and The Windham Land Trust.  It is in those places where I found a sense of community that does not seem to exist anywhere else in the town.
In a community that has been an agricultural area we have no Farmer's Market. In winter you have to drive to Buxton or Cape Elizabeth or Falmouth to get fresh veggies and seafood.  This does not seem right to me.
I do not know the answers of how to make this a better place or a more inviting place but I do know that Route 302 must be cleaned up and made more inviting to folks coming to the area.  If a place is attractive people will come and they will support the good local businesses.  You cannot market something that does not have "curb appeal".
Of course these are just my rants and opinions and I am jealous of other communities that offer so much more.  What do you think?