Friday, October 12, 2012

Money, Money, Money

I don't know about any of you but I am so sick and tired of the daily emails pleading for money for this campaign and that.  I am tired of feeling guilty when I delete it, thinking I am probably the cause of the defeat of one candidate or another.
I have given to candidates but I am retired and on a fixed income.  There is a limit to what I can give.  First it is Democracy for America, Obama/Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Alan Grayson, Maine Dems, Marriage Equality and about 30 others.  These are all people who I want to win but the amount of money it takes is obscene.
What has gone wrong with this country that political campaigns can raise millions and millions of dollars to put ads on TV that most people are just plain sick and tired of seeing but we can't raise money to feed hungry children or to make sure that the Native Americans have decent education and housing and electricity and clean water.  We have stuffed them off on reservations that don't even have arable land so they can grow their own food.
This country has its priorities wrong.  We used to care about the poor and hungry and homeless but we now don't even see it.  Our churches send young people off to Haiti and Guatemala to help the indigent and while that is worthy, we have poverty here that we ignore.  Jane Goodall said that there are places here in America that are worse off than a third world country and we do nothing about it but we can collect and raise over four billion dollars to spend on getting people elected.  Then these people get to Washington and forget who sent them there.
It is the same on the local and state level.  The elected officials feel they are gifted with power beyond reason and lose sight of the needs of the people who elected them.
We need to overturn Citizens United and get the big money out of the elections and make sure the campaigns only last 3 months or less.  Maybe if they have a shorter time they will tell less lies!  John McCain said it well.  Money is Money.  Money is not Free Speech!

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