Friday, April 22, 2011

This is Incredible and Unbelievable

I am having trouble believing that our government is so stupid as to give Pakistan 85 small drone aircraft plus 3 billion dollars in military aid.  This with our own infrastructure falling apart, people going to bed (if they even have a bed) hungry and then cutting essential programs here in this country.
I am beginning to wonder if President Obama is a republican in disguise.  He certainly does not stand hard for the beliefs of the Democratic Party.  He is not listening to the people as all the polls show that the majority of Americans support neither his nor Paul Ryan's budget.  He is caught up trying to compete with the Republicans when there is so much need here.
But to get back to the issue of Pakistan, we need to remember that their government is almost as corrupt as that of Karzai in Afghanistan and yet we continue to pour money and equipment into both countries.  I don't understand how we can continue to be sucked into giving more.  All that results in more innocent citizens getting killed by our troops or our missiles and more of our young men and women getting killed.
When will our elected officials wake up and realize that these wars are killing our economy as well as hurting our own people?
At least Howard Dean has changed his mind on the wars and is urging withdrawal as soon as possible.  Maybe he can have some influence on the President.  As far as I am concerned Howard Dean should have been asked to serve in the cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services.  But the Obama administration has ignored a very important voice.

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