Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Well, 2010 is coming to an end and we did survive but at what cost?  Some good things happened.  I had a new great granddaughter born in October.  She is a keeper!  My baking orders increased so I will have spending money for a vacation.  My family members are well and I am still financially solvent.  What more could one ask?
As I look at the year that I have had I am reminded of all the folks who haven't had such a good year.  Too many are unemployed, uninsured, have no access to medical care, too many are homeless and living in poverty.  Too many children go to bed at night hungry.  This is America for heaven's sake.  We can continue to fight two wars and send all kinds of money overseas, give tax cuts to the wealthiest 2%, allow banks to still cheat and still receive huge bonuses for doing that but we can't take care of our own.
We allow corruption in government by not calling our elected officials into accountability.  Our government is being run by the big corporations and not by the people because so many of our elected officials are owned by big corporations.
In the so called "Lame Duck Session" finally the Senate did some work by repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, passed a law improving food safety, and extended unemployment benefits.  But they were annoyed that they couldn't go home early for the holidays.  What they don't realize is that most of their constituents had to work right up to Christmas and many worked on Christmas Day.  They get so much time off on our tax dollars that it isn't funny.
In the spirit of the New Year let's hope that things get better.  I urge everyone to become involved and to let your senators and representatives know how you feel and how you want them to vote.  It can be discouraging as they seldom listen but we do need to keep trying,

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