Well, 2010 is coming to an end and we did survive but at what cost? Some good things happened. I had a new great granddaughter born in October. She is a keeper! My baking orders increased so I will have spending money for a vacation. My family members are well and I am still financially solvent. What more could one ask?
As I look at the year that I have had I am reminded of all the folks who haven't had such a good year. Too many are unemployed, uninsured, have no access to medical care, too many are homeless and living in poverty. Too many children go to bed at night hungry. This is America for heaven's sake. We can continue to fight two wars and send all kinds of money overseas, give tax cuts to the wealthiest 2%, allow banks to still cheat and still receive huge bonuses for doing that but we can't take care of our own.
We allow corruption in government by not calling our elected officials into accountability. Our government is being run by the big corporations and not by the people because so many of our elected officials are owned by big corporations.
In the so called "Lame Duck Session" finally the Senate did some work by repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, passed a law improving food safety, and extended unemployment benefits. But they were annoyed that they couldn't go home early for the holidays. What they don't realize is that most of their constituents had to work right up to Christmas and many worked on Christmas Day. They get so much time off on our tax dollars that it isn't funny.
In the spirit of the New Year let's hope that things get better. I urge everyone to become involved and to let your senators and representatives know how you feel and how you want them to vote. It can be discouraging as they seldom listen but we do need to keep trying,
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
This Week in Washington
Well, some good things happened in Washington this week. Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed with support from Maine Senators, Snowe and Collins. I give them credit for breaking ranks with their party. It looks like the START Treaty may get ratified without changes that a couple of Republicans wanted which would have doomed the treaty and again our Maine Senators seemed poised to support the treaty.
I have to laugh when I hear the Republicans complaining that too much is being jammed into the "lame duck" session. You know if they hadn't blocked just about everything all year this would not have been necessary. It is as if they have never done the same thing. I hope Harry Reid keeps them there till after Christmas. They have just had a long break for the elections anyway and most of us are lucky to get two weeks off for vacation.
But on the other hand some bad things happened also. One was the two year extension of the tax cuts for the very wealthy which will cost the country billions of dollars even though many of the wealthiest like Warren Buffet said they didn't need or want them. So much for the hypocrisy of the Republicans worrying about the deficit. What did we get for that, a measly 13 month extension of unemployment benefits. Yes there were other things in the bill but basically the middle class got screwed again!
It looks like the FCC is going to pass some rules governing the Internet. Will it be true Net Neutrality? NO! The FCC and the Obama administration are again favoring the big corporations over the will of the people. Over 100,000 people signed a petition circulated by Senator Al Franken. He has been the spokesperson for Net Neutrality along with some progressive groups. So we have been betrayed again.
The Dream Act did not pass and that is too bad for so many young people who were brought here illegally by their parents. This would have given them a path to citizenship by attending college or serving in the military and it would help solve a portion of the immigration problem for these young people who have been brought here with no choice of their own.
The failure to pass the Omnibus spending bill which will fund the government will hurt the child care and Headstart programs which benefit those children whose parents are struggling to make ends meet. The days of taking care of the people is coming to an end and will get even worse under the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.
I am trying to have a positive attitude but it gets increasingly more difficult as program after program gets slashed and government rolls to a stand still. Let's all keep writing and calling our elected leaders and hope that President Obama knows where the veto pen is and how to use it if necessary.
Hey, the Patriots won in a close game so that is good!
I have to laugh when I hear the Republicans complaining that too much is being jammed into the "lame duck" session. You know if they hadn't blocked just about everything all year this would not have been necessary. It is as if they have never done the same thing. I hope Harry Reid keeps them there till after Christmas. They have just had a long break for the elections anyway and most of us are lucky to get two weeks off for vacation.
But on the other hand some bad things happened also. One was the two year extension of the tax cuts for the very wealthy which will cost the country billions of dollars even though many of the wealthiest like Warren Buffet said they didn't need or want them. So much for the hypocrisy of the Republicans worrying about the deficit. What did we get for that, a measly 13 month extension of unemployment benefits. Yes there were other things in the bill but basically the middle class got screwed again!
It looks like the FCC is going to pass some rules governing the Internet. Will it be true Net Neutrality? NO! The FCC and the Obama administration are again favoring the big corporations over the will of the people. Over 100,000 people signed a petition circulated by Senator Al Franken. He has been the spokesperson for Net Neutrality along with some progressive groups. So we have been betrayed again.
The Dream Act did not pass and that is too bad for so many young people who were brought here illegally by their parents. This would have given them a path to citizenship by attending college or serving in the military and it would help solve a portion of the immigration problem for these young people who have been brought here with no choice of their own.
The failure to pass the Omnibus spending bill which will fund the government will hurt the child care and Headstart programs which benefit those children whose parents are struggling to make ends meet. The days of taking care of the people is coming to an end and will get even worse under the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.
I am trying to have a positive attitude but it gets increasingly more difficult as program after program gets slashed and government rolls to a stand still. Let's all keep writing and calling our elected leaders and hope that President Obama knows where the veto pen is and how to use it if necessary.
Hey, the Patriots won in a close game so that is good!
Labels:Politics, Romance Reader, Knitting
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Don't You Love Bernie Sanders?
This photo of Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont, shows the passion that is such a part of this man. His passion and belief in the welfare of the American people make him a true hero!
He had the courage to conduct what some are calling a mini filibuster or as he said, "You could call it a very long speech.". For 8 1/2 hours he spoke about the tax cut bill and his opposition to it. During his time in the floor he said the following, "How can I get by on one house?" I need five houses, ten houses! I need three jet planes to take me all over the world! Sorry, American people. We've got the money, we've got the power, we've got the lobbyists here and on Wall Street. Tough luck. That's the world, get used to it. Rich get richer. Middle class shrinks."
He read from Arianna Huffington's book Third World America. If you haven't read this book it should be required reading for all of us. He also had charts and graphs showing the problems that Americans are facing. He called out the Republican's hypocrisy for wanting to decrease the deficit but then adding to it with tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans even when some of them are saying they don't need it.
We need more people like Bernie Sanders who is not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right for the American people. Contrast that with our Senators from Maine who follow the leader, Mitch McConnell, even when in their hearts they know it is wrong. Oh my, did I say hearts? I think they lost their hearts and souls long ago!
Anyway, Bernie Sanders is my hero!
Monday, December 6, 2010
What is the Stockholm Syndrome???
I had never heard of this phenomena until I read a very interesting article by Frank Rich in the New York Times. He references an article Understanding The Stockholm Syndrome found in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. He explains it as the way captives win over their hostages. They do it by "winning a victim’s loyalty if they temper their brutality with a bogus show of kindness. Soon enough, the hostage will start concentrating on his captors’ “good side” and develop psychological characteristics to please them — “dependency; lack of initiative; and an inability to act, decide or think.”"
Rich uses this syndrome to explain President Obama's reaction to the Republicans and uses the example of the Republicans canceling the meeting with the President due to scheduling conflicts and then agreeing to come at a later date. This way Obama could then look at their good side.
In my mind this explains the President's behavior over the last two years. He reaches out and gets slapped down and then they give him a nice word or two and then he gives them just what they want. In other words bend over and I'll kick you in the rear again! This is leading us into a very serious situation where nothing gets done and every bill gets watered down so that it is almost meaningless.
The other part of the problem is that the Democrats in the Senate at least don't have the backbone to stand up and fight and tell the President the truth. They don't even have the backbone to fight for what is right. The lame duck session is almost at an end and still nothing has been accomplished. No repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell, the tax cuts are not resolved, the budget needs to be addressed and the biggest of all is the extension of unemployment benefits.
Our government is at a standstill. It is a very sad and deplorable situation.
Rich uses this syndrome to explain President Obama's reaction to the Republicans and uses the example of the Republicans canceling the meeting with the President due to scheduling conflicts and then agreeing to come at a later date. This way Obama could then look at their good side.
In my mind this explains the President's behavior over the last two years. He reaches out and gets slapped down and then they give him a nice word or two and then he gives them just what they want. In other words bend over and I'll kick you in the rear again! This is leading us into a very serious situation where nothing gets done and every bill gets watered down so that it is almost meaningless.
The other part of the problem is that the Democrats in the Senate at least don't have the backbone to stand up and fight and tell the President the truth. They don't even have the backbone to fight for what is right. The lame duck session is almost at an end and still nothing has been accomplished. No repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell, the tax cuts are not resolved, the budget needs to be addressed and the biggest of all is the extension of unemployment benefits.
Our government is at a standstill. It is a very sad and deplorable situation.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Have you ever stopped to think what good all that money could do? Karl Rove is raising over $400,000,000.00 dollars to give to Republican candidates. Yes that is four hundred million dollars. So the Democrats obviously want to reach or surpass that amount so they can stay competitive. This is insane that so much money is being spent by both parties. My God we could begin to wipe out the deficit or feed millions of people with all of that money. All of this is to try and buy an election and therefore achieve personal power.
We need to clean up the system so that our monies can be directed in more valuable ways. Of course the powers that be in Washington will never support such a measure anymore than 100% of them would sign a pledge to clean up corruption in Washington. They like it this way!
So my friends it is time to out the pressure on candidates and elected officials to change the way the system works.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Corruption, Corruption Everywhere
The news this week that we are bailing out Afghanistan's bank is very distressing! We cannot even get our own house in order and now we are going to bail out a bank that is failing because of the very corrupt society that it functions in.
We tolerate corruption in our own society and now we are asking our service men and women to give their lives trying to improve a corrupt society that we can never change. Only the Afghan people can change that.
It is time for us to get out of Afghanistan and bring our people home. Then we can use the money to help those in our society that are suffering because the government has not cared enough to make sure that our own economy improves.
150 legislators in Washington have signed a pledge to fight corruption in Washington. It is time to clean up our house before we attempt to clean up another government's dirty house.
I am so disappointed with the Democrats who seem to have lost their backbone. They are just letting the Republicans steamroll them and if you think we are in big trouble now just wait until they try to repeal health care, cut social security and medicare and extend tax cuts for the rich. Our government is run by the corporate lobbyists and believe me that is corruption at its highest level. The only bright hope is the President Obama will have the guts to veto such legislation if it ever gets to him.
This is one very liberal Democrat who is disillusioned that our own party could not stand together to get things done because they are just as corrupt as the Republicans!
We tolerate corruption in our own society and now we are asking our service men and women to give their lives trying to improve a corrupt society that we can never change. Only the Afghan people can change that.
It is time for us to get out of Afghanistan and bring our people home. Then we can use the money to help those in our society that are suffering because the government has not cared enough to make sure that our own economy improves.
150 legislators in Washington have signed a pledge to fight corruption in Washington. It is time to clean up our house before we attempt to clean up another government's dirty house.
I am so disappointed with the Democrats who seem to have lost their backbone. They are just letting the Republicans steamroll them and if you think we are in big trouble now just wait until they try to repeal health care, cut social security and medicare and extend tax cuts for the rich. Our government is run by the corporate lobbyists and believe me that is corruption at its highest level. The only bright hope is the President Obama will have the guts to veto such legislation if it ever gets to him.
This is one very liberal Democrat who is disillusioned that our own party could not stand together to get things done because they are just as corrupt as the Republicans!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ethics and Corruption in Government, Corporations and Institutions
I have contemplated the writing of this post for two weeks. I have long been concerned about the level of corruption that exists among elected officials. The Maine Sunday Telegram on June 20, 2010 had an article titled Big Business: Losing the Fight to do Right. ( http://www.pressherald.com/opinion/big-business_2010-06-20.html). This article examined the levels of corruption and unethical behavior by both corporate and public institutions. It was written by Dan Boxer and Peter Pitegoff. This article has weighed on my mind ever since.
Unethical behavior and corruption does exist at all levels and it is most evident when we look at Congress and see how they give in to the big corporations and do not act in the best interests of the people who elected them. Members of Congress are owned by big corporations and banks. Their lobbyists control the legislative process and the people lose out. How can Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe defend their votes against extending unemployment benefits to millions of people including thousands here in Maine. They say it is because of increasing the deficit. Well for the eight years of the Bush Administration they didn't worry about the increasing deficit and funding trillions of dollars for an unwinable war. If we weren't spending billionsof dollars a day on two wars we might be able to get our economy back into shape and bring back some jobs that have been outsourced. Where is their concern for their constituents?
At the state level we are decimating human services and education because no one is willing to think of a new way to do government. Do we need to increase the sales tax? Probably. We never should have decreased it in the first place. We always need to be prepared for the bad times as well as the good and we need to be prepared to take care of our neediest citizens. If the system isn't working then we need to look at what is wrong and how to fix it.
I believe that this unethical behavior permeates all of our institutions, political, corporate and religious. It is all about how much money you can wrest from the people. In tough economic times religious organizations need to put on hold capital campaigns that suck money from people who cannot afford it. Businesses, including the big banks and Wall Street, need to stop ripping off the consumer and ruining our economy by employing risky business practices..
Power and greed have taken over and we have lost all sense of community and how to care for each other and for our country.
I despair of ever changing this behavior. I fear that it will be the downfall of our society if it hasn't already begun.
I am usually a very upbeat, positive person but this is a very sad and dangerous situation for our town, state and country.
Unethical behavior and corruption does exist at all levels and it is most evident when we look at Congress and see how they give in to the big corporations and do not act in the best interests of the people who elected them. Members of Congress are owned by big corporations and banks. Their lobbyists control the legislative process and the people lose out. How can Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe defend their votes against extending unemployment benefits to millions of people including thousands here in Maine. They say it is because of increasing the deficit. Well for the eight years of the Bush Administration they didn't worry about the increasing deficit and funding trillions of dollars for an unwinable war. If we weren't spending billionsof dollars a day on two wars we might be able to get our economy back into shape and bring back some jobs that have been outsourced. Where is their concern for their constituents?
At the state level we are decimating human services and education because no one is willing to think of a new way to do government. Do we need to increase the sales tax? Probably. We never should have decreased it in the first place. We always need to be prepared for the bad times as well as the good and we need to be prepared to take care of our neediest citizens. If the system isn't working then we need to look at what is wrong and how to fix it.
I believe that this unethical behavior permeates all of our institutions, political, corporate and religious. It is all about how much money you can wrest from the people. In tough economic times religious organizations need to put on hold capital campaigns that suck money from people who cannot afford it. Businesses, including the big banks and Wall Street, need to stop ripping off the consumer and ruining our economy by employing risky business practices..
Power and greed have taken over and we have lost all sense of community and how to care for each other and for our country.
I despair of ever changing this behavior. I fear that it will be the downfall of our society if it hasn't already begun.
I am usually a very upbeat, positive person but this is a very sad and dangerous situation for our town, state and country.
Friday, June 4, 2010
We Are Living In A World Gone Mad!
How did we ever get to this place in our society where people are acting like madmen? Arianna Huffington wants President Obama to open a temporary White House in New Orleans, Keith Olbermann wants the president to show some anger and then someone else says he isn't paying enough attention to the economy. Many people will not be happy unless he dives down 5000 feet and plugs the hole himself!
The BP CEO wants his life back when his company has created the worst ecological disaster this country has known.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisianna, who has criticized the President's stimulus plan and hates "big government" is crying for government intervention in the oil spill. His state has received so much money from the oil industry that in spite of this tragedy and the ruination of environment of the Gulf Of Mexico he is advocating more drilling in the gulf and asking Obama to end the moratorium on drilling.
Israel attacks an aid ship going to Palestine where people are starving. Do they remember how it was to starve during the Holocaust?
Glen Beck attacks the young daughter of the president and makes fun of her.
Former President Bush admits to the war crime of water boarding and says he would do it again. Why are we not prosecuting him and Dick Cheney like we have others for the same crime.
The lobbyists have a strangle hold on Congress and the Republicans can do nothing but say no and the Democrats do not have the guts to push ahead.
The big banks and Wall Street still continue their bad practices at our expense.
Then at the state level we have so many people running in the primary for governor and only one of them has anything new to offer. We are budget cutting everything in sight and in reality doing nothing to improve our economy. Our kids are getting poor educations and the poor are getting poorer.
The we come down to the local level and the Town of Windham has elected a council that is self serving at best. They treat the citizens with arrogance and intimidation. They have taken land out of resource protection, they are allowing zoning changes that only favor developers and have deep impacts on established neighborhoods. They have spent over $450,000.00 of TIFF money to buy ten acres of some the worst property on Route 302 to supposedly fix a poor intersection when in reality it appears that it was just to help out a friend. They talk about economic development but give no thought to the cultural needs of the community. We have no bookstore, no decent shoe or clothing store and the development along Route 302 is an eyesore to the community.
We all need to step back and rethink where we are going and what kind of world we are creating for future generations. We need new ideas and a better sense of integrity and get back to caring about each other and realize how our words and actions affect others. We need people in office who have a strong sense of accountability and a strong moral code. We as individuals also need to stop and think about how we live and what do we do to allow this corruption and madness to exist in our country and in the world because if we cared we would be sure that it changed.
The BP CEO wants his life back when his company has created the worst ecological disaster this country has known.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisianna, who has criticized the President's stimulus plan and hates "big government" is crying for government intervention in the oil spill. His state has received so much money from the oil industry that in spite of this tragedy and the ruination of environment of the Gulf Of Mexico he is advocating more drilling in the gulf and asking Obama to end the moratorium on drilling.
Israel attacks an aid ship going to Palestine where people are starving. Do they remember how it was to starve during the Holocaust?
Glen Beck attacks the young daughter of the president and makes fun of her.
Former President Bush admits to the war crime of water boarding and says he would do it again. Why are we not prosecuting him and Dick Cheney like we have others for the same crime.
The lobbyists have a strangle hold on Congress and the Republicans can do nothing but say no and the Democrats do not have the guts to push ahead.
The big banks and Wall Street still continue their bad practices at our expense.
Then at the state level we have so many people running in the primary for governor and only one of them has anything new to offer. We are budget cutting everything in sight and in reality doing nothing to improve our economy. Our kids are getting poor educations and the poor are getting poorer.
The we come down to the local level and the Town of Windham has elected a council that is self serving at best. They treat the citizens with arrogance and intimidation. They have taken land out of resource protection, they are allowing zoning changes that only favor developers and have deep impacts on established neighborhoods. They have spent over $450,000.00 of TIFF money to buy ten acres of some the worst property on Route 302 to supposedly fix a poor intersection when in reality it appears that it was just to help out a friend. They talk about economic development but give no thought to the cultural needs of the community. We have no bookstore, no decent shoe or clothing store and the development along Route 302 is an eyesore to the community.
We all need to step back and rethink where we are going and what kind of world we are creating for future generations. We need new ideas and a better sense of integrity and get back to caring about each other and realize how our words and actions affect others. We need people in office who have a strong sense of accountability and a strong moral code. We as individuals also need to stop and think about how we live and what do we do to allow this corruption and madness to exist in our country and in the world because if we cared we would be sure that it changed.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Federal government cannot let BP off the hook for the cleanup of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Also the moratorium on permitting and the drilling of new wells needs to be more broadly defined. How can new permits and waivers still be given out by the government? This mess in the Gulf will take decades to repair and look how many people have lost their livelihoods due to this spill which no one seems to be able to horrible spill.
Do we never learn any lessons? We should have been making progress towards energy independence since the oil crisis of 1973. We have had years to create affordable alternative energies and we have done nothing but suck up more oil.
Why can't anyone have the backbone to say to BP we are taking over this process and you are paying for it.
The one humorous aspect to me is that Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, is crying for government help when a year ago he was hitting the President and the Democrats for too much government intervention.
This is just another fiasco brought on by corrupt government permitting and greed of the big oil corporations. Tell me why they are getting huge tax breaks and government subsidies. This I do not understand when they are reaping huge profits.
When do criminal charges against the BP executives and members of the Minerals Management Service get filed. It is disgusting that federal employees charged with overseeing safety and permitting processes are basically in bed with the oil and coal companies. Doesn't anyone care that men have died because of their lax oversight? I would advise everyone to read the article in the New York Times regarding this situation. Here is the link. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/25/us/25mms.html?hp
What are we as a people to do when faced with such corruption?
Do we never learn any lessons? We should have been making progress towards energy independence since the oil crisis of 1973. We have had years to create affordable alternative energies and we have done nothing but suck up more oil.
Why can't anyone have the backbone to say to BP we are taking over this process and you are paying for it.
The one humorous aspect to me is that Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, is crying for government help when a year ago he was hitting the President and the Democrats for too much government intervention.
This is just another fiasco brought on by corrupt government permitting and greed of the big oil corporations. Tell me why they are getting huge tax breaks and government subsidies. This I do not understand when they are reaping huge profits.
When do criminal charges against the BP executives and members of the Minerals Management Service get filed. It is disgusting that federal employees charged with overseeing safety and permitting processes are basically in bed with the oil and coal companies. Doesn't anyone care that men have died because of their lax oversight? I would advise everyone to read the article in the New York Times regarding this situation. Here is the link. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/25/us/25mms.html?hp
What are we as a people to do when faced with such corruption?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Why Am I Not Surprised?
Again our two Senators from Maine tow the party line to try and prohibit the bill containing some financial reforms and sign the letter to Harry Reid. They are following Mitch McConnell's orders again. They care not that the people of this country have been victimized by big banks and Wall Street. Pension funds of public employees, retirement funds of seniors, and college endowments funds have been decimated by corruption and greed. Bankruptcy has been visited on hundreds of thousands and families have been driven out of their homes due to foreclosure. Yet, in spite of all of this, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins cannot stand with the people. We should deluge their offices with phone calls and letters and let them know that it is time to stand up for us and not the corporate interests. After all they are a big part of the problem as they supported the Bush tax cuts and other policies that allowed all of this to happen
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship wrote an article called Crocodile Tears on Wall Street (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-moyers/crocodile-tears-on-wall-s_b_541032.html). In this article they tell of the testimony of bank CEO's in which these bankers say this was a big accident. Of course they knew what was going on. They were just too happy with their big salaries. They had no care for the people who put their trust in the banks.
There needs to be criminal prosecution in these cases and we need strong regulations so this can never happen again.
I recommend this article to all and also hope many of you will get the book 13 Banks by Simon Johnson and James Kwak. Most public libraries should have this very important book and if they don't you should ask them to buy it We all need to be better informed so we can help change the direction of this country.
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship wrote an article called Crocodile Tears on Wall Street (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-moyers/crocodile-tears-on-wall-s_b_541032.html). In this article they tell of the testimony of bank CEO's in which these bankers say this was a big accident. Of course they knew what was going on. They were just too happy with their big salaries. They had no care for the people who put their trust in the banks.
There needs to be criminal prosecution in these cases and we need strong regulations so this can never happen again.
I recommend this article to all and also hope many of you will get the book 13 Banks by Simon Johnson and James Kwak. Most public libraries should have this very important book and if they don't you should ask them to buy it We all need to be better informed so we can help change the direction of this country.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Violence and the 2nd Amendment
I am becoming increasingly aware of the possibility of serious consequences where weapons are concerned. While the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms, it does not give them the right to use those arms against innocent people, politicians or the government. When used against the government I believe it is called treason! When these weapons are used against other citizens I believe it is called murder.
Dennis A. Henigan wrote on Huffington Post an article entitled "Gun Rights" and Political Violence. In this article he writes the following: "
In other words, if we use the First Amendment to try to persuade our elected officials to our point of view, and we fail, then it's time to resort to the Second Amendment - that is, to threaten violence. And, ultimately, to use violence.
This is right out of the NRA's playbook. Last year, NRA Executive Director Wayne LaPierre explained it in chilling terms to the wild cheers of the Conservative Political Action Conference. According to LaPierre, when it comes down to it, the only freedom that really counts is the right to be armed - without it, "liberty is but an illusion." In the NRA's world, we are free only to the extent that our guns allow us to impose our will on others. Here are LaPierre's words:
"Our divine rights, they might have been endowed by a Creator, but they are preserved by mortals, if we mortals have the means and the will to make it stick....Freedom is nothing but dust in the wind till it's guarded by the blue steel and dry powder of a free and armed people....Our founding fathers understood that the guys with the guns make the rules."
I find the statement that "the guys with the guns make the rules" to be very frightening. It is one thing to keep guns for hunting for food and another to use them to try and influence politicians and ordinary citizens. That is nothing short of fear mongering and threatening. The whole idea of an armed citizenry is both frightening and threatening.
I surely don't want "the guys with the guns" making the rules of this country. Then none of us will have any freedom at all.
Dennis A. Henigan wrote on Huffington Post an article entitled "Gun Rights" and Political Violence. In this article he writes the following: "
In other words, if we use the First Amendment to try to persuade our elected officials to our point of view, and we fail, then it's time to resort to the Second Amendment - that is, to threaten violence. And, ultimately, to use violence.
This is right out of the NRA's playbook. Last year, NRA Executive Director Wayne LaPierre explained it in chilling terms to the wild cheers of the Conservative Political Action Conference. According to LaPierre, when it comes down to it, the only freedom that really counts is the right to be armed - without it, "liberty is but an illusion." In the NRA's world, we are free only to the extent that our guns allow us to impose our will on others. Here are LaPierre's words:
"Our divine rights, they might have been endowed by a Creator, but they are preserved by mortals, if we mortals have the means and the will to make it stick....Freedom is nothing but dust in the wind till it's guarded by the blue steel and dry powder of a free and armed people....Our founding fathers understood that the guys with the guns make the rules."
I find the statement that "the guys with the guns make the rules" to be very frightening. It is one thing to keep guns for hunting for food and another to use them to try and influence politicians and ordinary citizens. That is nothing short of fear mongering and threatening. The whole idea of an armed citizenry is both frightening and threatening.
I surely don't want "the guys with the guns" making the rules of this country. Then none of us will have any freedom at all.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Consumer Price Index and Inflation
A report that came out this week, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20100219/us-credit-markets/, stated that the consumer price index rose only 0.2 percent. This was a smaller increase than expected. Of course this was after food and energy costs were stripped out. This always amazes me that the things people rely on are stripped out of the index. It is my feeling, and I am no economist, that this is very unfair especially as social security increases are based on this as are the pay increases of many folks especially those who work in the public sector such as teachers and municipal and state workers.
I don't know about you folks but the costs of my groceries has gone up and I am just one person. I can just imagine what it has done to young families with children. My natural gas from Maine Natural Gas went up by 10% in January and will go up another 12% in December. I just got a notice from the Portland Water District that they are applying for a rate increase through the Public Utilities Commission. Time Warner Cable raises their rates whenever they want as they are not controlled by the PUC. Now I know I can give up cable TV. Many consider that a luxury but that is my entertainment. I rarely go out to eat, I don't smoke and drink only 1 glass of wine a day. The cost of gasoline for the car goes up and down. The cost of health care keeps going up. Right here in Maine Anthem/Blue Cross is trying to increase rates by 23%. How are people to afford these increases when salaries do not keep up.?
It annoys me that these costs are not taken into consideration when Social Security increases are considered. It is disgusting that in this country of wealth and prosperity that we have so many folks going hungry or without medication that could save their lives or without heat to keep them warm. We are the only industrialized country in the world that does not provide health care for their people. How much of a raise is Congress getting this year. If you have the answer to that question let me know. Let's try to change some of these things.
I don't know about you folks but the costs of my groceries has gone up and I am just one person. I can just imagine what it has done to young families with children. My natural gas from Maine Natural Gas went up by 10% in January and will go up another 12% in December. I just got a notice from the Portland Water District that they are applying for a rate increase through the Public Utilities Commission. Time Warner Cable raises their rates whenever they want as they are not controlled by the PUC. Now I know I can give up cable TV. Many consider that a luxury but that is my entertainment. I rarely go out to eat, I don't smoke and drink only 1 glass of wine a day. The cost of gasoline for the car goes up and down. The cost of health care keeps going up. Right here in Maine Anthem/Blue Cross is trying to increase rates by 23%. How are people to afford these increases when salaries do not keep up.?
It annoys me that these costs are not taken into consideration when Social Security increases are considered. It is disgusting that in this country of wealth and prosperity that we have so many folks going hungry or without medication that could save their lives or without heat to keep them warm. We are the only industrialized country in the world that does not provide health care for their people. How much of a raise is Congress getting this year. If you have the answer to that question let me know. Let's try to change some of these things.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Big Disappointments
Sometimes I can't believe our government. I have been a loyal Democrat for as long as I have been able to vote but I am so disappointed in the actions of Congress, The White House, The Department of Justice and everyone else in government. I am disgusted by the depth of corruption and greed that permeates government and business.
Here the majority of the people want a public option in the Health Care Reform Bill but very few Senators are listening. I admire the courage of those Senators who have put their names on a letter to Harry Reid asking that the public option be a part of the bill and be adopted through the reconciliation process. Where is the presidential leadership on this issue? The Congress has the best health care available but they would deny their constituents the same opportunity. How can this be happening? The lack of concern for the ordinary citizen is unbelievable.
Then today the Department of Justice overrides a two year investigative report on the authorization of torture and claims that the attorneys involved are only guilty of poor judgment. This is wrong. Then Dick Cheney admits to being in favor of water boarding which is a war crime but will anything happen to him? Of course not. Where is the rule of law and why is it not being applied? If it was an ordinary citizen they would be in jail!
I could go on and on but it is too trying. Then the Democrats will wonder why people won't vote in the mid term elections. One reason is because we are so disappointed that the change we voted for is far from happening and very few elected people are standing up for what is right for the people and the country. To put it bluntly this country is in a mess and I don't see how we are going to put it right. How very sad and depressing.
Here the majority of the people want a public option in the Health Care Reform Bill but very few Senators are listening. I admire the courage of those Senators who have put their names on a letter to Harry Reid asking that the public option be a part of the bill and be adopted through the reconciliation process. Where is the presidential leadership on this issue? The Congress has the best health care available but they would deny their constituents the same opportunity. How can this be happening? The lack of concern for the ordinary citizen is unbelievable.
Then today the Department of Justice overrides a two year investigative report on the authorization of torture and claims that the attorneys involved are only guilty of poor judgment. This is wrong. Then Dick Cheney admits to being in favor of water boarding which is a war crime but will anything happen to him? Of course not. Where is the rule of law and why is it not being applied? If it was an ordinary citizen they would be in jail!
I could go on and on but it is too trying. Then the Democrats will wonder why people won't vote in the mid term elections. One reason is because we are so disappointed that the change we voted for is far from happening and very few elected people are standing up for what is right for the people and the country. To put it bluntly this country is in a mess and I don't see how we are going to put it right. How very sad and depressing.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation
In January of 2010 a severe ice storm hit the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. Electricity and water systems were devastated. People were without heat and water and food in a very cold time of year. Did you hear about this???? No, because the media and the politicians do not pay any attention to the plight of our Native Americans. To my knowledge the only national media comment on this was done by Keith Olbermann on Countdown on MSNBC. In just over 72 hours his viewers raised over $270,000.00 to support the Sioux as they try to rebuild their water system and get power back. This money also provided blankets, food and water.
As reported by the tribe, this money arrived before any FEMA money. There was no information on the website of the Indian Affairs Agency. One of the colleges in South Dakota advertised "Bring Your Sole to the Game" asking people to bring shoes that could be donated to the tribe.
Now I don't begrudge the money sent to Haiti as that was surely a tragedy but I do resent the fact that our government and we as their brothers and sisters treat the Native Americans as though they are less than equal. We need to do for them what we have done Hispanics and African Americans. We keep them on reservations and in poverty.
I have written to Huffington Post to ask where was their coverage of this event. I have written to President Obama and Senator Olympia Snowe asking why there is not a better response to this situation. Of course there was no response. Where is the heart of this nation? We can send money all over the world but we neglect some of our own.
This is a time when I wish I had the resources and the knowledge to set up a charitable organization to help the downtrodden in our society. But each of us must take the responsibility to advocate for all of those who have nothing when we have so much. I have included links to the page where donations can be made to this particular cause and a link to the website of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.
As reported by the tribe, this money arrived before any FEMA money. There was no information on the website of the Indian Affairs Agency. One of the colleges in South Dakota advertised "Bring Your Sole to the Game" asking people to bring shoes that could be donated to the tribe.
Now I don't begrudge the money sent to Haiti as that was surely a tragedy but I do resent the fact that our government and we as their brothers and sisters treat the Native Americans as though they are less than equal. We need to do for them what we have done Hispanics and African Americans. We keep them on reservations and in poverty.
I have written to Huffington Post to ask where was their coverage of this event. I have written to President Obama and Senator Olympia Snowe asking why there is not a better response to this situation. Of course there was no response. Where is the heart of this nation? We can send money all over the world but we neglect some of our own.
This is a time when I wish I had the resources and the knowledge to set up a charitable organization to help the downtrodden in our society. But each of us must take the responsibility to advocate for all of those who have nothing when we have so much. I have included links to the page where donations can be made to this particular cause and a link to the website of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.
Labels:Politics, Romance Reader, Knitting
Cheyenne River Sioux,
Keith Olbermann
Are You Sick and Tired of the Lies and Stalling?
I am! I am so disappointed in our elected leaders. The Democrats are afraid of their shadow and can't take the steps they need to get business done. The Republicans just tell lies and say no! Nothing is getting done in Washington as our elected leaders pander to the bid banks and corporate interests so they will get more money donated to their reelection campaigns.
It has become increasingly evident that they are not there to do the country's business or to serve the people who elected them. Those who voted no on the stimulus take credit for it in their home districts when stimulus money comes their way. At least Rachel Maddow had the courage to call Congressman Schock on it on Meet the Press this week. It is hypocrisy at its worst.
It will take a huge effort to make any changes and I hope anyone who reads this will write to their elected Senators and Congressmen and tell them that they need to be working for us or they will not be elected no matter how much money they get from big corporations.
Let's take our country back and make it work for the people.
It has become increasingly evident that they are not there to do the country's business or to serve the people who elected them. Those who voted no on the stimulus take credit for it in their home districts when stimulus money comes their way. At least Rachel Maddow had the courage to call Congressman Schock on it on Meet the Press this week. It is hypocrisy at its worst.
It will take a huge effort to make any changes and I hope anyone who reads this will write to their elected Senators and Congressmen and tell them that they need to be working for us or they will not be elected no matter how much money they get from big corporations.
Let's take our country back and make it work for the people.
Labels:Politics, Romance Reader, Knitting
Congress Hypocrisy,
Rachel Maddow
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