Collins Chooses Party Over Public Education
In spite of thousands of calls and emails and letters from her Maine constituents and from people all over the country, she voted to move the nomination of Betsy DeVos to the full Senate. It really shows that she does not give a damn about what her Maine people think. DeVos has given large sums of money to five members of the HELP Committee. Those five should have recused themselves. They are Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski, Timothy Scott and Todd Young. She has stated that when she donates money she expects some thing in return. So it is the old pay to play game.
In voting for DeVos Collins went along with DeVos' public education is "a deadend." She also must believe that Charter Schools are better than public schools. She advocates for the use of vouchers even for religious schools. She has no teaching or administrative experience. She was not asked about the Common Core or how she would handle racial inequity in education.
What really angers me is the fact the Susan Collins would vote to approve someone even when her constituents plead with her to do otherwise. Elected officials seem to forget that we pay their salary and the huge benefits that they have.
I suspect that she, Collins, will disappoint us again on other nominees. I will address some of them in another post. Even though we are angry and disappointed we must continue to call and make our positions known. It is easy to give up but we cannot let up.