Friday, February 17, 2017


Every day it just gets worse.  Yesterday's Press Conference was unbelievable!  The man, you know who I am speaking about, was not even coherent most of the time.  I could not watch much of it as it made me ill.
So Michael Flynn has resigned because of his conversations with Russian government officials and "misled" the Vice President.  Now it is rumored that the FBI will not bring charges against him.  That was not the first time he collaborated with the Russians as it was done during the campaign also.  What make me furious is the fact that this was known in the fall and then President Obama knew it and did nothing because supposedly Mitch McConnell told him he would publicly blame him for interfering in the election.  Well, he should have done it anyway and now we are stuck with this buffoon.  I hope the Senate Intelligence Committee calls Flynn as a witness and makes him testify under oath and he sings like a bird!  If anyone believes that Pence did not know all this was going on then I have a bridge to sell you!  McConnell and Ryan knew and I think they should be called as well as Barack Obama.  There is much more to this story that needs to come out.
Also yesterday, the president signed an order repealing the regulation that said coal companies could not dump their waste in the rivers and streams.  So now it is okay to pollute the waters.  This should have a great effect on people's drinking water!  If Scott Pruit is confirmed as EPA Director it will get even worse.
So to all the people who said you have to give him, trump, a chance and see what happens in six months just look at the damage he has done in a month.  Are the republicans so evil that they hate the people and the country that much that they are willing to destroy our government, take away health care, roll back environmental protections, sell off public lands, and destroy the EPA that looks out for the health and safety of the country?  I wish I was rich and I would give lots of money to get rid of the bunch of them.  I will be honest in my opinion that we are in terrible trouble and our way of life is threatened. At eighty years old I may not live to see the destruction of our planet but I fear for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


I spend most of my days between anger and fear!  There is much to be angry about and much to fear.  One of my biggest fears is the position that Steve Bannon holds in the White House.  Many of the executive orders have apparently been written by him.  Trump will sign anything put in front of him just so he can hold up his signature as if he knows what he is doing.  One example is the executive order naming Bannon to the National Security Council.  Now Trump says he did not realize just what he was signing.  That is just one example and it is a scary one.  The man does not belong there.  Bannon is an avowed white supremacist and has been quoted as saying that he wants to bring the government crashing down.  He is well on his way.

The Republicans are using Trump as a cover so they can do their dirty work behind the scenes and at night.  They voted to do away with the Election Assistance Commission, "which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked."  ( The Nation, Feb. 2/7.2017  Ari Berman.)  This makes it easier to steal elections.  Can they do this on their own? It is bad enough that they have gerrymandered so many districts in their favor.  It will make it doubly hard for Democrats to win over the Senate and especially the House.

Speaking of the Democrats!  They are their own worst enemy.  Are they waking up to the reality that they have served their corporate masters too long and have not represented us?  I think they may be feeling the heat from all of the protests and phone calls, emails, petitions, etc.  In retrospect they ran the wrong candidate.  While I voted for Hillary she was a flawed candidate and the democrats were to stupid to see it.  They have lost state houses, governorships, the senate, the house because they have not, in my opinion, kept in touch with the people.

Right now what are Maine democrats doing to keep the resistance going?  We should be getting action items from the all the time.  They should be actively looking for good candidates to run against Poliquin.  We should be recruiting very good candidates to run for governor in 2018.  They should be speaking out against the outrageous Trump cabinet nominees along with those of us who are making almost daily phone calls to Senators or meeting with their staff people.  That is called leadership!  If they are doing those things they need to keep us informed so we can be part of the process.

I have gotten off track!  I had intended in this post to review the cabinet appointees as they are a large part of my fear and anger.  But I also want to encourage you to watch Robert Reich online each week day night at 8:00 pm.  He bring us up to date with what is going on, actions we can take and in general tries to encourage us.  Another great resource is Rogan's List.  She is a former university librarian who researches during the day and them posts a list of actions that we can take.  You can subscribe by going to  
Also join a Facebook group like Suit Up Maine where there are also actions that can be taken. 
I encourage you to be active and engaged.  I know it is discouraging and tiring but we cannot let up.  
We can make a difference.  Carry on bravely! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Collins Chooses Party Over Public Education

In spite of thousands of calls and emails and letters from her Maine constituents and from people all over the country, she voted to move the nomination of Betsy DeVos to the full Senate.  It really shows that she does not give a damn about what her Maine people think.  DeVos has given large sums of money to five members of the HELP Committee.  Those five should have recused themselves.  They are Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski, Timothy Scott and Todd Young.  She has stated that when she donates money she expects some thing in return.  So it is the old pay to play game.
In voting for DeVos Collins went along with DeVos' public education is "a deadend."  She also must believe that Charter Schools are better than public schools.  She advocates for the use of vouchers even for religious schools.  She has no teaching or administrative experience. She was not asked about the Common Core or how she would handle racial inequity in education.
What really angers me is the fact the Susan Collins would vote to approve someone even when her constituents plead with her to do otherwise.  Elected officials seem to forget that we pay their salary and the huge benefits that they have.
I suspect that she, Collins, will disappoint us again on other nominees.  I will address some of them in another post.  Even though we are angry and disappointed we must continue to call and make our positions known.  It is easy to give up but we cannot let up.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Reviving My Blog!

It has been a long time since I have used this blog but I have decided that I need to be able to express myself in a format other than Facebook and Twitter.  This will consist of opinions that I hold but will hopefully be based on facts.  If any of you do not want to receive posts by email just let me know and I will remove you from the list.  I will most likely post links to this blog on my Facebook page also.
I will probably post a couple of times a week but sometimes if events call for it I might post more frequently.  Those of you who have been selected to receive posts by email were selected because we share many things in common and you are special to me and I value your opinions even if they differ from mine.  So happy reading.  Be well and be safe!  More posts will arrive in the next few days.