Monday, December 15, 2014


This is a letter that I have sent to Senators King and Collins.  I wish there was some way that I could get other folks to do the same.  We, the people, need to stand up and let our views be known.  These people we have elected have a responsibility to us the citizens and not to their corporate donors.

Dear Senators King and Collins,

I am writing to let you know how disappointed and angry I am that you voted in favor of the 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill.  That bill contains many things that are detrimental to our economy and to us as individuals  Number one is the fact that the bill rolled back provisions in the Dodd-Frank bill that now allows the banks to gamble with taxpayer money.  The use of risky derivatives  could crash our economy again and we the taxpayers will have to bail them out!
Number two is the fact that now there will be even more money in politics since the cap on single donor contributions has been raised by a huge sum.  The programs that would have benefitted regular people and the poor have been slashed again.  WIC slashed 300 million dollars, food stamps slashed again, and allowing corporations to cut benefits for current employees of which I am one.  Maybe we should slash your benefits!  How would you like that?  But then most of the people in Congress are so wealthy they do not care!
Provisions that take away the ability of the EPA to regulate  and enforce the clean water act were also in that bill along with many other things that are harmful to out economy.
This bill was a give away to the the big banks, and corporations.  I have decided that the only time you and other elected officials care about your constituents is when you are trying to get elected.  Then you go to Washington and could care less about the general welfare of the people and the country as a whole.  It is pretty bad when a bank like Citigroup gets to write the legislation for you.  I suspect this is more often true than false.
I will try once again to have you listen (yes, i did call your office asking you to vote no on the spending bill and perhaps if enough had done so we could have had a better bill)as I urge you to vote against confirmation of Antonio Weiss for a top job in the Treasury Department.  It is rumored that the company he works for, Lazard Financial Services, will give him a 20 million dollar bonus if confirmed.  If this is true it is just a bigger sign of the corruption that has invaded Washington.  Why would you want another person in the treasury who has been advising Burger King to avoid millions in tax dollars so they can move their business to Canada!  Please do not vote to confirm him.
So you can tell that I am one angry and very disappointed constituent!  Our country has lost most of the values that we were founded on  Corruption is so rampant in our government that one does know who to trust anymore.  It is a very sad situation.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


This is a letter that I have sent to Senators Angus King and Susan Collins.  I will also send it to Chellie Pingree.  I called their offices but those folks who answer the phones do not know what is in a bill so no blame goes to them.  I cannot believe that a spending bill had so many secret provisions added with no debate.  All I can say is Thanks to Elizabeth Warren for giving a blistering speech about the roll back of provisions in the Dodd Frank bill.

Dear Senators King and Collins,
I am so angry and frustrated about some of the provisions in this spending bill.  It is evident that the people of this country do not matter to Congress.  All they care about is getting the big contributions from the big banks, corporations and big donors and the average person's voice is not heard.  The heart and soul has been ripped out of our government by a corrupt Supreme Court and an equally corrupt Congress.
I am very concerned about the items that have been slipped into this bill such as the repeal of portions of the Dodd Frank bill that would protect the taxpayers against paying bail outs for risky bank behaviors.  Also I am concerned about a provision that allows pension benefits to be cut for current retirees.  Do you know what that would do to millions of seniors who are barely making it.  Wealthy donors can now give more money to political candidates.
Then in the area of the environment there is a provision that the EPA cannot enforce parts of the clean water act.  What kind of nonsense it that?
Safety??? Now truckers can now drive without adequate sleep.  That endangers all of us on the road.
What are you people there in Washington about?  It sure is not looking after the interests of the people who elected you!  I am so disgusted and disheartened.  Merry Christmas to the American people!  What a gift.  The only good thing is the government won't be shut down.

Priscilla Payne