Tuesday, May 24, 2011


That title comes from an article on Huffington Post which talks about the Republican's plan to cut millions from domestic and foreign food programs.  They are showing once again that they do not care about the people.  They profess to be Christians but I have yet to find a TRUE Christian who would deny the poor and hungry food which is the very basic need to survive.
Believe me John Boehner, Paul Ryan, et al will not go hungry.  They are living high off the hog on our tax dollars.  How many of the Republicans are denying their own constituents food!  Do they want to see children go to bed at night hungry?  Too many of them already do.  We should be fixing this problem not adding to it.
From the Huffington Post article Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., said the GOP budget "rolls back years of progress.This budget threatens the health and security of American families, while asking the most of low-income seniors and the most vulnerable among us," she said.
Where do our Maine Senators stand on this issue? There are plenty of Mainers who are hungry and struggling to survive.  Try and find out how they feel as their offices never give out their position before they vote.  The stock answer is, "The Senator has not made a public statement on this issue."  So we have no knowledge of how they will vote.  But let's keep calling and emailing them and hope that they will finally hear our voices.