Today we mark the passing of one of the greatest statesmen of our time. The passing of Ted Kennedy from the cruel disease of brain cancer leaves a loss not only for his family and friends but for our nation.
His passion and caring for the lives of the common man was extraordinary. A man of wealth and power, he used both to try and improve the lives of all people. He knew tragedy and joy, responsibility and weakness. He set an example that will be hard to follow.
It is sad that he is gone and I shed tears at hearing of his death. It was as if each of us knew him in some special way. When he spoke it often seemed like he was speaking directly to each one of us. One of my greatest fears is that there is no one to take his place. Who will step up and carry on his work with the same passion? Time will tell.
I extend my condolences to his family and friends and hope that they know how much the people of this country loved and admired him. May God rest his soul and may God surround his family with love and comfort.