Saturday, April 9, 2011

Government Shutdown Averted. But At What Cost?

Well, after weeks of scaring the beejesus out of the public and capturing the attention of the beltway media, Congress and Obama have come to an agreement.  The problem is the cost to taxpayers especially the poor and middle class.  The details of the agreement are not yet published so there is still much to learn.
But Ezra Klein of the Washington Post and MSNBC said that estimates of job loses from this agreement are between 150,00 and 450,000.  That is just what we need.  I find it very strange that the Republicans campaigned on job creation but have yet to sponsor one bill that actually creates jobs and the worst part of it is that the Democrats seem to be going along with them!
As usual it will be the middle class and the poor who will suffer.  The fight over Planned Parenthood is just one example.  So many women get benefits from that organization that have nothing to do with abortion.  Women receive cancer screenings, mammograms, SDT screenings and diabetes screenings.  This actually saves the government money as it is cheaper to prevent disease than to treat it.
The lies told about Planned Parenthood are ridiculous.  Senator John Kyl (R) got up on the Senate floor and said that 90% of Planned Parenthood's money went towards abortion.  When confronted with the truth his spokesperson said "that was not meant to be a factual statement."  So that means that we cannot believe anything that Senator Kyl says.  So why is he still in the Senate?  Do they all  lie like that?
It is mostly men who are advocating no funding for Planned Parenthood.  It is mostly men who want to have control over women's health.  Now if the women put forth a bill that said Medicare Part D, the prescription drug plan, would no longer pay for Viagra or Cialis there would be an uproar the likes of nothing we have seen.  This is just another example of men in power who want to control women and not treat them equally.
Now don't get me wrong, not all men are like that but the majority of men in power are.
So when will we actually see all of the details and why is President Obama saying this is an historic agreement when he and Harry Reid have given in to the Republicans AGAIN!  More on this topic as details become available.

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